Install Prometheus Operator in each app cluster
kubectl create secret generic thanos-storage-config --from-file=thanos.yaml=thanos-storage-config.yaml -n default
Ensure the name below uses the env (dev in this example) format matches the domain in the ingress rules.
helm install --name dev-prom stable/prometheus-operator -f prometheus-operator-thanos-values.yaml --tiller-namespace=default
kubectl create secret tls -n default thanos-ingress-secret --key ./tst-client.key --cert ./tst-client.cert
kubectl create secret generic -n default thanos-ca-secret --from-file=ca.crt=./cacerts.cer
Edit the thanos-ingress-rules to ensure it matches the CNAME setup
- host:
kubectl apply -f thanos-ingress-rules.yaml -n default