A production-ready starter template for building robust backend applications using Express.js and TypeScript. This template includes a well-structured setup, essential tools, and best practices to streamline your development process.
- Web Library:
- A fast, unopinionated web framework for Node.js. - Type Checking:
- Enhances JavaScript with static typing for safer and scalable code. - Development Server:
- Automatically restarts the server on code changes during development. - Linting & Formatting:
- Ensures code quality and enforces a consistent code style. - Pre-commit hook:
- Runs automated checks on staged files before committing. - Testing:
- Comprehensive testing framework with HTTP assertion capabilities. - Documentation:
- Generates and serves interactive API documentation. - Logging:
- Centralized logging with request logging for better monitoring. - Security Enhancements:
- Adds essential HTTP headers and enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. - Environment Variables:
- Simplifies configuration management through .env files. - Module Alias:
- Provides cleaner imports with custom path aliases.
- Node.js (version 14 or above)
- npm or yarn
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/prasadsawant7/express-ts.git cd express-ts
Install dependencies:
npm install
Script | Description |
npm run build |
Builds the TypeScript code into JavaScript. |
npm start |
Starts the app in production mode. |
npm run start:dev |
Starts the app in development mode with Nodemon. |
npm run test:unit |
Runs unit tests using Jest. |
npm run test:e2e |
Runs end-to-end tests using Jest. |
npm run lint |
Lints the code using ESLint. |
npm run format |
Formats the code using Prettier. |
npm run prepare |
Prepares the project by installing Husky hooks. |
├── .husky
│ ├── _/ # Contains scripts and binaries related to husky
│ ├── pre-commit # Pre-Commit Script
├── coverage/ # Testing Code Coverage Reports
├── dist/ # Compiled JavaScript output
├── logs/ # All & Error Logs
├── src/
│ ├── __tests__/ # Test Code
│ │ ├── e2e/ # End-to-End Testing
│ │ ├── unit/ # Unit Testing
│ ├── controllers/ # Define controller logic
│ ├── libs/ # Shared libraries and utilities
│ ├── middlewares/ # Custom middleware
│ ├── routes/ # Application routes
│ ├── main.ts # Entry point of the application
├── .eslintignore # Ignores files from getting linted by ESLint
├── .gitignore # Ignores files from getting tracked by Git
├── .prettierignore # Ignores files from getting formatted by Prettier
├── .prettierrc # Prettier configuration
├── .eslint.config.mjs # ESLint configuration
├── .jest.config.ts # Jest configuration
├── nodemon.json # Nodemon configuration
├── package.json # Project metadata and scripts
├── tsconfig.jest.json # TypeScript configuration for Jest
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration for the whole project
Remove the package-lock.json entry from .gitignore