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.NET: Add property support, remove explicit getter/setter methods
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praydog committed May 13, 2024
1 parent 92a4923 commit ac74326
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Showing 5 changed files with 214 additions and 44 deletions.
165 changes: 163 additions & 2 deletions csharp-api/AssemblyGenerator/ClassGenerator.cs
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,14 @@
using System;

public class ClassGenerator {
public class PseudoProperty {
public REFrameworkNET.Method? getter;
public REFrameworkNET.Method? setter;
public REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition? type;

private Dictionary<string, PseudoProperty> pseudoProperties = [];

private string className;
private REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition t;
private List<REFrameworkNET.Method> methods = [];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,7 +68,27 @@ public ClassGenerator(string className_, REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition t_) {

if (method.Name.StartsWith("get_") && method.Parameters.Count == 0 && method.ReturnType.FullName != "System.Void") {
// Add the getter to the pseudo property (create if it doesn't exist)
var propertyName = method.Name[4..];
if (!pseudoProperties.ContainsKey(propertyName)) {
pseudoProperties[propertyName] = new PseudoProperty();

pseudoProperties[propertyName].getter = method;
pseudoProperties[propertyName].type = method.ReturnType;
} else if (method.Name.StartsWith("set_") && method.Parameters.Count == 1) {
// Add the setter to the pseudo property (create if it doesn't exist)
var propertyName = method.Name[4..];
if (!pseudoProperties.ContainsKey(propertyName)) {
pseudoProperties[propertyName] = new PseudoProperty();

pseudoProperties[propertyName].setter = method;
pseudoProperties[propertyName].type = method.Parameters[0].Type;
} else {

foreach (var field in t_.Fields) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +117,7 @@ public ClassGenerator(string className_, REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition t_) {
// remove any methods that start with get/set_{field.Name}
// because we're going to make them properties instead
methods.RemoveAll(method => method.Name == "get_" + fieldName || method.Name == "set_" + fieldName);

typeDeclaration = Generate();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,6 +296,7 @@ private static TypeSyntax MakeProperType(REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition? targetTy

typeDeclaration = GenerateMethods(baseTypes);
typeDeclaration = GenerateFields(baseTypes);
typeDeclaration = GenerateProperties(baseTypes);

if (baseTypes.Count > 0 && typeDeclaration != null) {
refTypeFieldDecl = refTypeFieldDecl.AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.NewKeyword));
Expand All @@ -288,8 +318,139 @@ private static TypeSyntax MakeProperType(REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition? targetTy
return GenerateNestedTypes();

private TypeDeclarationSyntax GenerateFields(List<SimpleBaseTypeSyntax> baseTypes) {
private TypeDeclarationSyntax GenerateProperties(List<SimpleBaseTypeSyntax> baseTypes) {
if (typeDeclaration == null) {
throw new Exception("Type declaration is null"); // This should never happen

if (pseudoProperties.Count == 0) {
return typeDeclaration!;

var matchingProperties = pseudoProperties
.Select(property => {
var propertyType = MakeProperType(property.Value.type, t);
var propertyName = new string(property.Key);

var propertyDeclaration = SyntaxFactory.PropertyDeclaration(propertyType, propertyName)

bool shouldAddNewKeyword = false;
bool shouldAddStaticKeyword = false;

if (property.Value.getter != null) {
var getter = SyntaxFactory.AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration)
SyntaxFactory.ParseAttributeArgumentList("(" + property.Value.getter.Index.ToString() + ", global::REFrameworkNET.FieldFacadeType.None)"))

if (property.Value.getter.IsStatic()) {
shouldAddStaticKeyword = true;

// Now we must add a body to it that actually calls the method
// We have our REFType field, so we can lookup the method and call it
// Make a private static field to hold the REFrameworkNET.Method
var internalFieldName = "INTERNAL_" + propertyName + property.Value.getter.Index.ToString();
var methodVariableDeclaration = SyntaxFactory.VariableDeclaration(SyntaxFactory.ParseTypeName("global::REFrameworkNET.Method"))
.AddVariables(SyntaxFactory.VariableDeclarator(internalFieldName).WithInitializer(SyntaxFactory.EqualsValueClause(SyntaxFactory.ParseExpression("REFType.GetMethod(\"" + property.Value.getter.GetMethodSignature() + "\")"))));

var methodFieldDeclaration = SyntaxFactory.FieldDeclaration(methodVariableDeclaration).AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword), SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword), SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.ReadOnlyKeyword));

List<StatementSyntax> bodyStatements = [];
bodyStatements.Add(SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement("return (" + propertyType.GetText().ToString() + ")" + internalFieldName + ".InvokeBoxed(typeof(" + propertyType.GetText().ToString() + "), null, null);"));

getter = getter.AddBodyStatements(bodyStatements.ToArray());
} else {
getter = getter.WithSemicolonToken(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken));

propertyDeclaration = propertyDeclaration.AddAccessorListAccessors(getter);

var getterExtension = Il2CppDump.GetMethodExtension(property.Value.getter);

if (baseTypes.Count > 0 && getterExtension != null && getterExtension.Override != null && getterExtension.Override == true) {
var matchingParentMethods = getterExtension.MatchingParentMethods;

// Go through the parents, check if the parents are allowed to be generated
// and add the new keyword if the matching method is found in one allowed to be generated
foreach (var matchingMethod in matchingParentMethods) {
var parent = matchingMethod.DeclaringType;
if (!REFrameworkNET.AssemblyGenerator.validTypes.Contains(parent.FullName)) {

shouldAddNewKeyword = true;

if (property.Value.setter != null) {
var setter = SyntaxFactory.AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.SetAccessorDeclaration)
SyntaxFactory.ParseAttributeArgumentList("(" + property.Value.setter.Index.ToString() + ", global::REFrameworkNET.FieldFacadeType.None)"))

if (property.Value.setter.IsStatic()) {
shouldAddStaticKeyword = true;

// Now we must add a body to it that actually calls the method
// We have our REFType field, so we can lookup the method and call it
// Make a private static field to hold the REFrameworkNET.Method
var internalFieldName = "INTERNAL_" + propertyName + property.Value.setter.Index.ToString();
var methodVariableDeclaration = SyntaxFactory.VariableDeclaration(SyntaxFactory.ParseTypeName("global::REFrameworkNET.Method"))
.AddVariables(SyntaxFactory.VariableDeclarator(internalFieldName).WithInitializer(SyntaxFactory.EqualsValueClause(SyntaxFactory.ParseExpression("REFType.GetMethod(\"" + property.Value.setter.GetMethodSignature() + "\")"))));

var methodFieldDeclaration = SyntaxFactory.FieldDeclaration(methodVariableDeclaration).AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword), SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword), SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.ReadOnlyKeyword));

List<StatementSyntax> bodyStatements = [];
bodyStatements.Add(SyntaxFactory.ParseStatement(internalFieldName + ".Invoke(null, new object[] {value});"));

setter = setter.AddBodyStatements(bodyStatements.ToArray());
} else {
setter = setter.WithSemicolonToken(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken));

propertyDeclaration = propertyDeclaration.AddAccessorListAccessors(setter);

var setterExtension = Il2CppDump.GetMethodExtension(property.Value.setter);

if (baseTypes.Count > 0 && setterExtension != null && setterExtension.Override != null && setterExtension.Override == true) {
var matchingParentMethods = setterExtension.MatchingParentMethods;

// Go through the parents, check if the parents are allowed to be generated
// and add the new keyword if the matching method is found in one allowed to be generated
foreach (var matchingMethod in matchingParentMethods) {
var parent = matchingMethod.DeclaringType;
if (!REFrameworkNET.AssemblyGenerator.validTypes.Contains(parent.FullName)) {

shouldAddNewKeyword = true;

if (shouldAddStaticKeyword) {
propertyDeclaration = propertyDeclaration.AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword));

if (shouldAddNewKeyword) {
propertyDeclaration = propertyDeclaration.AddModifiers(SyntaxFactory.Token(SyntaxKind.NewKeyword));

return propertyDeclaration;

return typeDeclaration.AddMembers(matchingProperties.ToArray());

private TypeDeclarationSyntax GenerateFields(List<SimpleBaseTypeSyntax> baseTypes) {
if (typeDeclaration == null) {
throw new Exception("Type declaration is null"); // This should never happen
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion csharp-api/AssemblyGenerator/Generator.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ static CompilationUnitSyntax MakeFromTypeEntry(REFrameworkNET.TDB context, strin
var syntaxTreeParseOption = CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp12);

foreach (var cu in compilationUnits) {
syntaxTrees.Add(SyntaxFactory.SyntaxTree(cu/*.NormalizeWhitespace()*/, syntaxTreeParseOption));
syntaxTrees.Add(SyntaxFactory.SyntaxTree(cu.NormalizeWhitespace(), syntaxTreeParseOption));

string? assemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).Assembly.Location);
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions csharp-api/test/Test/ObjectExplorer.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -275,16 +275,16 @@ public static void DisplayType(REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition t) {

if (runtimeTypeRaw != null) {
var runtimeType = runtimeTypeRaw.As<_System.Type>();
var assembly = runtimeType.get_Assembly();
var assembly = runtimeType.Assembly;

if (assembly != null) {
if (ImGui.TreeNode("Assembly: " + assembly.get_FullName().Split(',')[0])) {
if (ImGui.TreeNode("Assembly: " + assembly.FullName.Split(',')[0])) {
DisplayObject(assembly as IObject);

var baseType = runtimeType.get_BaseType();
var baseType = runtimeType.BaseType;

/*if (baseType != null) {
if (ImGui.TreeNode("Base Type (" + (baseType.get_TypeHandle() as REFrameworkNET.TypeDefinition).FullName + ")")) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ public static void DisplayObject(REFrameworkNET.IObject obj) {
var elementType = obj.GetTypeDefinition().GetElementType();
var elementSize = elementType.GetSize();

for (int i = 0; i < easyArray.get_Length(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < easyArray.Length; i++) {
var element = easyArray.GetValue(i);
if (element == null) {
ImGui.Text("Element " + i + ": null");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,15 +469,15 @@ public static void Render() {

var appdomain = _System.AppDomain.get_CurrentDomain();
var appdomain = _System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
var assemblies = appdomain.GetAssemblies();

if (ImGui.TreeNode("AppDomain")) {
if (assemblies != null && ImGui.TreeNode("Assemblies")) {
for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.get_Length(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.Length; i++) {
var assembly = assemblies.get_Item(i);
var assemblyT = (assembly as IObject).GetTypeDefinition();
var location = assembly.get_Location() ?? "null";
var location = assembly.Location ?? "null";

if (ImGui.TreeNode(location)) {
DisplayObject(assembly as IObject);
Expand Down

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