My personal website that holds my projects and notes. Created to learn more about web-development and for me to create a useful place for all my notes to be stored and accessed. Link:
- Node.JS, Express, PUG (For running server side javascript and having dynamic rendering)
- mySQL (For storing my projects and notes)
- Markdown (For writing notes)
- Minimalist Design, with bright colour scheme
- Allows notes to be filtered by subject
- Renders Markdown into a beautiful notes viewer
- Showcases github projects in a nicely formatted card view
- Ability to search topics through notes (Possibly add Search Engine)
- Add index-cards for definitions that are defined in notes (Allows ability to quiz)
- Showcase different algorithms visually instead of just pseudo code!
- Syntax highlighting for programming course notes
- Write more notes and better ones (Images instead of just text)
- Continue documenting and planning more features!