Free And OpenSourced Audible Alternative with AI powered TTS
- Create a book shelf with uploaded Books.
- Make it S3 Compatible.
- Upload the Book to S3/minio
- Extract the book content from the pdf.
- In batch save the content of the books into the S3/Minio.
- Now goto separate page.
- When press select a book and press read aloud.
- Web site will call the S3 and get the chapter texts
- Will send the data to Local Installation of the LLM running with exposed API for tts
- Will return the
and S3 url.
- Web Player will play the chapter.
- Once Completed it will mark as completed or will resume from the duration stopped.
- React
- FastAPI
- Minio
- Docker
- Create a book shelf with uploaded Books.
- Make it S3 Compatible.
- Upload the Book to S3/minio
- Extract the book content from the pdf.
- In batch save the content of the books into the S3/Minio.
- Now goto separate page.
- When press select a book and press read aloud.
- Web site will call the S3 and get the chapter texts
- Will send the data to Local Installation of the LLM running with exposed API for tts
- Will return the
and S3 url.
- Web Player will play the chapter.
- Once Completed it will mark as completed or will resume from the duration stopped.
- Add the Next JS for SSR
- Add the User Authentication
- Add the User Profile
- Add the User Book Shelf
- Add the User Book Progress
- Add the User Book Recommendation
- Add the User Book Rating
- Add the User Book Review
- Add the User Book Comment
- Add the User Book Sharing
- Add the User Book Highlight
- Add the User Book Note
- Add the User Book Bookmark
- Add the User Book Search
- Add the User Book Filter
- Dockerize the Application
- Add the Kubernetes for Deployment
- Add the Theme Customization
- run celery:
celery -A app.tasks.celery worker --loglevel=info
- run flower as celery monitor:
celery -A app.tasks.celery flower
- run
fastapi dev --port 4000