Tasks with Java
Good day! I would like to share instructions about how to look up my codes and review:
The section covered up all these following RESTful endpoints:
GET /tasks : Get a list of all tasks
POST /tasks : Create a new task
GET /tasks/{id} : Get a single task by ID
PUT /tasks/{id} : Update a task by ID
DELETE /tasks/{id} : Delete a task by ID
And I also use Spring Security for authorization and authentication user, currently add role check if required.
Inside MySQL create new schema and put name of schema, user, password in file application.properties
Config JAVA_HOME in both User and Sysyem Variables (make sure that JDK(Java Development Kit) and Eclipse Adoptimum installed)
Add path to bin folder of parent folder Eclipse Adoptimum in System Variables
Config Executable Path for Running and Compilig Java programs in Settings of IDE, then command "Run Java"
About using Docker to run the application in container:
Run command in the root project: docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build
This will look in the Dockerfile, create container, pull images and run with CMD. For running in MySQL Database, need to verify in file application.properties: name of db, user, password of both settinggs
in docker-compose-yml and application.properties share the same.