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Raycast Extension Sample Using Swift

This repo contains a Raycast extension with TypeScript and Swift code. It demonstrates how to invoke Swift code from the React/TypeScript side and how exportable functions are defined in Swift.

For further details, please check Swift for Raycast Extensions.

This extension is very simple and it is comprised of:

  • 7 Raycast commands defined in package.json.
  • The Typescript code for each command in src/.
  • The swift code in swift/.


You can run the extension as follows:

  1. Open Raycast and search for the Import Extension command.

  2. Select the folder containing this repo code.

  3. Build the extension.

    The easiest way to build is to search in Raycast for Manage Extensions, and select the Start Development action (⌘+B) on this extension.

  4. Wait for a successful build and open Raycast to start using the commands.

Building the extension will produce the TypeScript interface for the Swift code.