This add-on creates a toolbar item allowing you to control the PilotEdge Client from within Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
This is a 3rd party add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and PilotEdge and thus support is not provided by Microsoft or PilotEdge.
- Connect and disconnect from PilotEdge
- Get ATIS for PilotEdge airports
- View Mode C status and Ident
- Install, configure, and test the PilotEdge Pilot Client for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
- Download the latest release of PE Helper.
- Extract the release Zip file to your Community folder.
- Go fly!
The usage of this add-on should be mostly self explanitory if you configured and tested the PilotEdge Pilot Client in step 1.
- ATIS can be difficult to read. This is due to some limitations in how the PilotEdge API can be accessed from MSFS.
- It can be difficult to see if a text input box is disabled or not.
- The text input boxes sometimes have difficulty getting focus. Alt+Tab out of MSFS and then go back into MSFS. This usually fixes the issue.
- Can't tab between controls.
- The toolbar icon is ugly. I'm a developer, not an artist. :P
- Thank you to the PilotEdge team for their support during the development process and their blessing to release this add-on.
- Thanks to Felipe for his template project that gave me a running start on this project.