GUI for a gym to manage bookings more easily. It can be used as a client or as a personal trainer. A personal trainer may create an event and invite his desired clients for individual training or cadio/aerobic sessions.
This app was designed using MVC arhitecture
- XAMPP, IntelliJ Idea IDE, Java 13
- first, you need to connect to MySQL and Apache servers from XAMPP Control Panel
- After the connection is established, go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
- create a new database named "planificator".
- select this database and import into it using file "planificator.sql"
- after the import, open IntelliJ and run Main
- use "user" table to find information about existing accounts in order to login or register a new client
client can login or register in order to use the app
client can see his events with invitations received from personal trainers and delete his invitation from event with no possibility to modify it.
notifications at every login for events that are starting in a certain time.
client can book multiple time intervals for a individual training
client can modify personal info like name, telephone, e-mail.
personal trainer can create an event, invite clients, modify fields.
personal trainer can modify personal info.