A palette for math illustrations in Adobe Illustrator.
- pdflatex
- ghostscript > 9.15.
These must be in the path.
Copy the MathPalette.jsx file into the Scripts folder. On windows this is usually something like
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2018\Presets\en_US\Scripts
Inspiration from Gilles Castel (https://castel.dev/post/lecture-notes-2/) Code for adding items from Harmut Lemmel on the (now-defunct) latex-community.org site. The original is cached by the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20170113205324/http://latex-community.org/know-how/latexs-friends/61-latexs-friends-others/381-combining-latex-and-illustrator