Turn your svg files to css backgrounds with grunt
Below is a sample grunt config.
svgbg: {
default: {
root: __dirname,
src: 'src',
minify: {
dest: 'dist/svg',
options: {
plugins: [
{ transformsWithOnePath: true },
templates: [
name: 'sample',
type: 'less',
dest: [ 'dist/less' ],
template: 'templates/sample.less.hbs',
etc: {
a: 'b',
name: 'sample_page',
type: 'less',
dest: [ 'dist/less' ],
template: 'templates/sample_page.less.hbs'
name: 'sample_page',
type: 'html',
dest: [ 'dist' ],
template: 'templates/sample.html.hbs'
Root path. Should be an absolute path for now(use 'path' module). Project root is default.
SVG source files' directory.
SVGO options and destination for optimized svg files. Default SVGO config for Svgbg is:
"plugins": [
{ "removeTitle": true },
{ "removeDimensions": true },
{ "removeStyleElement": true },
{ "removeAttrs": {
"attrs": "path:(fill|id|clip-path|fill-rule|clip-rule)"
You can override it with minify.options.
Custom template configs. Handlebars.js is used as template engine here.
- name: output file name
- type: output file type(extname)
- dest: output destination(array)
- template: template file path
- etc: custom values to use building the template
Svgbg provides next values extracted from optimized svg for template:
name: "filename",
viewBox: {
width: 16,
height: 16,
pathList: [ "pathString1", "pathString2", ... ],
shapeList: [ "shapeString1", "shapeString2", ... ],
fullSvgStr: "minifiedSvgString",