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In a Nutshell

Small library implememting Unix sum(1) and cksum(1) algorithms. Both, BSD and SysV variants of sum(1) are supported. Also CRC32 and CRC32C algorithms are supported.

This library also offers the same interrface to all hash algorithms provided by crypto module (e.g. MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512 and others), which can therefore be used with legacy checksums using the same API.



Creates a hash context of the given hash algorithm. This call is compatible with createHash() interface of the crypto module.


Returns an array of supported hash algorithm names. This call is compatible with getHashes() interface of the crypto module.


Returns an array of supported digest encodings.

The following formats are available:

name format
default Algorithm specific default encoding (usually hex or number)
hex hexadecimal string
HEX upper case hexadecimal string
hex-with-prefix hexadecimal string with 0x prefix
HEX-WITH-PREFIX upper case hexadecimal string with 0X prefix
binary binary string
binary-with-prefix binary string with 0b prefix
BINARY-WITH-PREFIX binary string with 0B prefix
base64 BASE64 string
buffer raw buffer
integer integer (only if digest length <= 53 bits)
number number (lossy for digest lengths > 53 bits)
uuid version 4 variant 1 or 2 UUID in lower case
UUID version 4 variant 1 or 2 UUID in upper case
bigint BigInt presentation of the digest (if supported by runtime)
bubblebabble Easily pronouncable encoding
BUBBLEBABBLE Easily pronouncable encoding in upper case
Some encodings can be used only in some hashes. It is e.g. impossible
to generate a UUID from a digest that is shorter than 128 bits and
attempting to do so triggers an error.

UnixChecksum.hash(algorithm, data, encoding)

An one shot hashing interface returns a hash calculated over data in given encoding. If the encoding is omitted, the digest is returned in a buffer.


Update hash state by feeding it a string or buffer. After digest() or final() has been called to the object, this method can no longer be called.


Retrieve the digest in given encoding (see UnixChecksum.getDigestEncodings()). Encoding defaults to buffer. This interface can be called multiple times for a single hash object in order to retrieve multiple digest encodings.


Retrieve the digest in given encoding (see UnixChecksum.getDigestEncodings()). Encoding defaults to buffer. This interface can be called only once and can not be called after digest() has been called. Calling digest() after final() is on allowed.

Legacy Interface

The library provides direct method for accessing legacy checksum methods directly. The user should probably consider using the generic API instead.

The most powerful way is to use the legacy API is the class interface:

'use strict';

const uc = require('unix-checksum');

(function() {
	var c1 = new uc.BsdSum();
	var c2 = new uc.SysvSum();
	var c3 = new uc.CkSum();
	var c4 = new uc.CRC32();
	var c5 = new uc.CRC32C();
	var len = 0;
	process.stdin.on('data', function(d) {
		len += d.length;
	}).on('end', function() {
		console.log('len:    ' + len);
		console.log('bsd:    ' + c1.digest());
		console.log('sysv:   ' + c2.digest());
		console.log('cksum:  ' + c3.digest());
		console.log('crc32:  ' + c4.digest() + ' ' + c4.digest('hex'));
		console.log('crc32c: ' + c5.digest() + ' ' + c5.digest('hex'));

There are also one-shot interfaces for all algorithms:

'use strict';

const uc = require('unix-checksum');

console.log(uc.sysvSum(Buffer.from( [ 1,2,3,4,5 ])));
console.log(uc.ckSum('Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen'));
console.log(uc.crc32('Paasikivi, Paasikivi, Paasikivi'));
console.log(uc.crc32c('Fagerholm, Fagerholm, Fagerholm', 'hex'));

Encoding can be provided as an optional parameter to digest() method of the class interface or optional second parameter to the one shot interface. The default is 'number'. Constant length (per checksum algorithm) Buffer object is returned, if encoding 'buffer' is used. Values 'hex' and 'base64' return the checksum value encoded as hexadecimal or BASE64 encoded string respectively. While also other encodings supported by Buffer.toString() can be passed as encoding, the results are arbitrary and really should not be used.

The current amount of bytes processed by the algorighm can be read from the context property length. After digest() method is called, the length property is the total number of bytes processed while calculating the checksum.

For BsdSum and SysvSum, after digest() method is called, the block count can be read from the context property block. This is needed to duplicate the full information returned by the historical command line tools.

An error is also triggered, if update() method is called after digest() has already been called.

Multiple calls to digest() method are allowed in order to retrieve the same checksum with multiple encodings.

Instead of digest() method, it is possible to use final() method. The only difference to using final() instead of digest() is that final() call can be called only once. Calling final() after it or digest() has been called already, triggers error.

Command line interface is provided only for demonstration purposes and is not targeted for practical use.

$ sum GPL-2.0.TXT
42571    18

$ sum --sysv GPL-2.0.TXT
34111 36 GPL-2.0.TXT

$ cksum GPL-2.0.TXT
2811767965 18092 GPL-2.0.TXT

$ node dumpchecksum.js GPL-2.0.TXT
file:         GPL-2.0.TXT
input length: 18092
bsd:          42571 (blocks: 18)
sysv:         34111 (blocks: 36)
cksum:        2811767965
crc32:        1313272993 (4e46f4a1)
crc32c:       1750386445 (6854c70d)

See command line program digest in package unix-checksum-stream for a command line tool that can be used in practical use cases.


As a developer you should be aware of the fact that the algorithms in this package MUST NOT in any circumstances to be considered cryptographically strong. In fact they are extremely weak. The intended use for this library is to help backwards compatible implementations of some outdated standards, such as RFC 3230. Maintaining historical legacy is also among the motivations behind making this library public.

However, algorithms provided by crypto module that are proxied through this library, are as strong as they are when used directly using the crypto module. Choose your algorithm wisely :).


Timo J. Rinne [email protected]




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