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A to test [django-oemof](

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python 3.10 postgresql 14 or higher

  1. create a virtual environment with python 3.10
  2. install requirements in the virtual environment with
pip install -r requirements


  1. setup a postgresql database and provide the following environment variables

``` SQL_ENGINE="django.db.backends.postgresql" SQL_DATABASE="name_of_your_database" SQL_USER="name_of_your_user" SQL_PASSWORD="pw_of_your_user" SQL_HOST="localhost" SQL_PORT="postgresql port, usually 5434"

# replace 'localhost' by the name of the container if using docker CELERY_BROKER_URL="redis://localhost:6379/0" CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND="redis://localhost:6379/0"


  1. run migrations
python migrate


  1. run the server
python runserver


  1. visit the webapp at

In order to simulate a scenario from a datapackage you should place datapackages in the django_oemof_api/data/oemof folder.

One this is done, open a new terminal with the same virtual environment and make sure you provide those two environment variables as well

``` CELERY_BROKER_URL="redis://localhost:6379/0" CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND="redis://localhost:6379/0"

``` Then start the celery worker with

` celery -A django_oemof_api.celery worker --loglevel=info -E `

Finally, you can send a post request from a third terminal

``` import requests import json

HOST = "" SIMULATE_URL = f"{HOST}/oemof/simulate"

payload = {
"scenario": "<name of a scenario datapackage within data/oemof folder>", "parameters": json.dumps({"some": "paremeters"}),


with requests.session() as client:
req =
SIMULATE_URL, data=payload,

) answer = json.loads(req.text) print(f"{SIMULATE_URL}}?task_id={answer['task_id']}")


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