This is an attempt to make integrating easier with ExactTarget. ExactTarget is an email newsletter system designed to make it easy to setup timely newsletters.
Exact Target:
Exact Target XML API:
Exact Target Web Service API:
- n3bulous
I moved this over to a gem on gemcutter. They don’t appear to support namespacing yet.
sudo gem install rbet
For Rails 2.1+ (?):
config.gem "rbet", :source => ""
Original development work was performed by Todd A. Fisher.
Forking development to GitHub + minor development additions/changes by Shanti A. Braford.
If you’d like to contribute, fork a copy of the repo on GitHub. When you have patch(es) ready, contact me at:[email protected]
2000 character limit for each attribute
This has not been tested on Windows. May the force be with you, young win32 jedi =)