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This can be used to setup a Squid Server as a Forwarding and Caching Proxy.
Squid -

Docker Compose Version.

Always validate that docker-compose version is latest. If not then use the latest released version. As of updating this document v2.24.0 was latest released version.

Starting the container.

docker-compose up -d

Checking the container logs.

docker-compose logs -f

Initial configuration validation.

As the default configuration provided here is sufficient as it provides default access to private network. We can validate this with curl.

# Check that access is allowed for any website with port 80 (http) or 443 (https).
# This should work.
curl --proxy http://SOME_HTTP_WEBSITE
curl --proxy https://SOME_HTTPS_WEBSITE

# Check that access is blocked for any website with some other ports (eg. 8443).
# This should not work.
curl --proxy https://SOME_HTTPS_WEBSITE:8443

Additional configuration setup.

Documentation Config

Configure User based authentication

Configure Certificate based authentication

Configure Site based access

Configure Caching

Backup and Restore

Upgrading Squid