A buyer app refers to any application that will help sellers interact with the buyers/ end consumers i.e., the demand side of any transaction, where the intent and transaction originate. These can include different types of applications including user experience (UX) based applications, voice assistants, chat-bots, etc. depicting the demand layer for the goods or services.
A detailed user manual for the buyer reference app is available here
Feature | Sub Feature | Status |
Incremental catalog refresh | Provider disabling | |
Store disabling | ||
Store closed (known duration) | ||
Store closed (unknown duration) | ||
Item record changes | ||
Offers | ||
Full catalog refresh | RET codes for L1 categories | |
Catalog directly to BNP | ||
Updated taxonomy (BPC, H&K, H&W) | ||
Store open / close / disable / enable | ||
Customization (input - selection) | ||
Customization (input - free text) | ||
Handling of make-to-order items display price having base price of 0 | ||
Variants | ||
Custom Menu | ||
Definition of ISN/MSN | ||
Item availability schedule | ||
Order tracking | Hyperlocal - using gps coordinates | |
Hyperlocal & inter-city - using URL | ||
Live Order Tracking | ||
Order flow | Addition of quote type | |
Addition of updated /confirm, /on_confirm flow | ||
Customization (input - selection: all pre-order APIs) | ||
Customization (input - free text: all pre-order APIs) | ||
Customization (input - selection: all post-order APIs) | ||
Customization (input - free text: all post-order APIs) | ||
Payment collection by SNP | ||
Exchange of GST no between BNP & SNP | ||
PAN no for provider for verification of ISN / MSN | ||
Offers | Offer definition in catalog | |
Applying offers during checkout | ||
Offer support in other pre-order APIs | ||
Offer support in other post-order APIs | ||
Cancellation | Updated cancel API (non-RTO) | |
RTO flow for cancellation | ||
Definition & communication of cancellation terms (fees, etc) | ||
Force cancellation (for fulfillment TAT breach) | ||
Linking cancellation with IGM issue | ||
Static terms | Enabling static terms | |
BNP + logistics | Enabling logistics integration with BNP | |
Update API | Merchant part cancel | |
Return with pickup | ||
Return with liquidation | ||
Cancel return request | ||
Linking return with IGM issue | ||
Fulfillment | Enabling self-pickup | |
Enabling slotted delivery | ||
Enabling additional fulfillment states - hyperlocal | ||
Enabling additional fulfillment states - inter-city | ||
Enabling authorization options | ||
Cascading discount, taxes on fulfillment from LSP | ||
Payment on Delivery | ||
Notification from LSP on fulfillment delay | ||
Catalog (others) | Polygon serviceability | |
Pincode serviceability | ||
Distributed search by city | ||
Back image for items | ||
Minimum order value | ||
Different store timings for delivery, pickup, order processing | ||
Provider credentials | ||
Catalog download zip file link | ||
Communication from buyer NP to seller NP (catalog ingestion feedback, etc) | ||
Rating | rating, on_rating | |
Others | /info, /on_info APIs | |
Off Network Logistics Option | ||
Option to select logistics delivery type | ||
Personalisation | Recommendation Engine | |
Festival calendar & configuring for different festivals | ||
Bhashini Integration | ||
Catalog Indexing | ||
Configurable Theme |
Name | Role | Github Role | Github Username |
Navdeep Agarwal | Backend Engineer & Devops | Maintainer | @navdeep710 |
Abhinandan Satpute | Backend Engineer | Maintainer | @wemo-abhinandan |
Aditya Patil | Protocol Engineer | Contributor | @adityapatil123 |
Akshay Chavan | Backend Engineer | Contributor | @wemakshaychavan |
Mayur Jadhav | Full Stack Engineer | Contributor | @mj-jadhav |
Vaibhav | Frontend Engineer | Contributor | @vaibhav-wemo |
Rohaan Ansari | Frontend Engineer | Contributor | @RohaanAnsari |
Vishal | Frontend Engineer | Contributor | @vishal-wemotive |
Shalaka Patil | Full Stack Engineer | Contributor | @shalapatil |
Harsh Arya | Frontend Engineer | Contributor | @harsharya1405 |
Punit Vajpeyi | Mobile Developer | Contributor | @Punit-Vajpeyi |
Abhijeet Singh | Full Stack Engineer | Contributor | @AbhijeetONDC |
Robin Chauhan | Backend Engineer | Contributor | @robin-chauhan1 |
Sahil Sharma | Backend Engineer | Contributor | @sahilsharma9 |
Abhishek Singh | Frontend Engineer | Contributor | @Abhi-ONDC |
Type | Technologies |
Client | React JS, Redux, Javascript |
Server | Node JS, Express, Python, Nginx |
Database | MongoDB |
ONDC's buyer app uses a modern technical stack for web, mobile, and server-side development. The client layer of the web application is built using React JS v17, while the mobile app is built using React Native 18. Node JS v16 is used for server-side development, and Python v3.7 is used for the protocol layer.
The app's data is stored in a MongoDB database. Overall, this tech stack enables ONDC to develop scalable and performant applications for their buyers, focusing on flexibility and efficiency.
This repo is ONDC Buyer App is developed with microservice architecture which contains
- protocol layer(python)
- client API layer (node js)
- front app(react) being served via nginx
- ancillary API (python) - flask apis for utilities like mapmyindia, knowlarity composed together with docker-compose.yaml
- wants to refer the buyer app
- wants the same setup to be available in their infra
- pick any component of it and use separately
Clone the Buyer App ONDC SDK repository
git clone https://github.com/ONDC-Official/ondc-sdk.git
Git repositories contain submodules that must be fetched. It requires HTTP-based URL by default in the .gitmodules
file. Copy this into .gitmodules
[submodule "biap-app-ui-front"]
path = biap-app-ui-front
url = https://github.com/ONDC-Official/biap-app-ui-front.git
[submodule "ondc-mmi-service"]
path = ondc-mmi-service
url = https://github.com/ONDC-Official/mmi-service-template.git
[submodule "biap-client-node-js"]
path = biap-client-node-js
url = https://github.com/ONDC-Official/biap-client-node-js.git
[submodule "py-ondc-protocol"]
path = py-ondc-protocol
url = https://github.com/ONDC-Official/py-protocol-layer.git
[submodule "biap-igm-node-js"]
path = biap-igm-node-js
url = https://github.com/ONDC-Official/biap-igm-node-js.git
[submodule "biap-bugzilla-service"]
path = biap-bugzilla-service
url = https://github.com/ONDC-Official/biap-bugzilla-service
After that Run these commands
git submodule init
git submodule update
To get Environment Variables, Registration is required to access certain services.
A. Payment gateway
For the purpose of creating a reference buyer app, Juspay payment gateway has been used. However, participants who are going to leverage this buyer app may integrate with any payment gateway as per their requirement.
The below steps are considering Juspay’s payment gateway integration Create an account with Juspay and obtain test account credentials. Follow API integration details mentioned in https://developer.juspay.in/
Here are the detailed steps Create the auth keys in the Juspay console - https://developer.juspay.in/docs/setup-juspay-account Setup keys in buyer client .env file After obtaining the Juspay credentials from the console, the user needs to set keys in the buyer client app as mentioned below,
Setup Jus pay in the Mobile app Setup Jus pay in Web app
B. Map My India (MMI)
For location based information, integration with MMI has been used. MMI has been used as follows - Get detailed address information by typing in search query Get list of addresses for a given PIN code Get state and city by PIN code Get Latitude and longitude of the provided address
MMI API that have been used are as follows - https://outpost.mapmyindia.com/api https://atlas.mapmyindia.com/api/places/search/json https://explore.mappls.com https://apis.mapmyindia.com/advancedmaps/v1 https://atlas.mappls.com/api/places/geocode
MMI Configuration in the white labeled buyer app
C. Firebase Authentication
Create the application under firebase console Once the application is created, visit the application and click on authentication tab Enable the following sign methods in the authentication sign-in method tab Email/Password Google In project settings create different projects supported for various platforms like Android, iOS and web, (this will help in downloading the config files, required for authentication)
D. Ngrok installation
A ngrok instance is required to be running locally so you can publish yourself to the internet.
brew install --cask ngrok
ngrok http 5555
copy the url to the clipboard and paste it into BAP_URL
in .env-local
Note: To access the web interface of ngrok one must sign-up to ngrok Refer to ngrok documentation.
E. Bugzilla Setup
For IGM ticket management, a bugzilla instance will be started as soon as all the containers are launched. Initially, it is not mandatory to mention a value for BUGZILLA_API_KEY
but to use the instance post-setup, you will need to generate the API key and restart the container.
To generate the API Key and use Bugzilla:
- Once setup, visit the url: https://host-running-code/bugzilla/admin
- Login with username as "admin" and password as "password"
- Go to settings, and setup SMTP configuration. Visit this link for more info.
- Once setup, generate the API key and it will be visible on the dashboard.
- Add the API KEY value to
in the .env variables and restart your bugzilla container.
Note: It is not mandatory to setup bugzilla and the buyer app can run without it, but for application issue/ticket management and to view all tickets generated across the portal, it is advised to setup bugzilla.
Visit this Google Form and fill it out carefully.
In return you will get payload with additional data which will include ukId.
will be ukId which we will get after subscribing.
"country": "IND",
"city": "*",
"type": "BAP",
"subscriber_id": "YOUR_HOSTED_DOMAIN",
"subscriber_url": "YOUR_HOSTED_DOMAIN",
"domain": "nic2004:52110",
"signing_public_key": "SIGNING_PUBLIC_KEY",
"encr_public_key": "CRYPTO_PUBLICKEY",
"created": "2023-03-30T15:27:45.123456Z"
"valid_from": "2023-03-30T15:27:45.123456Z",
"valid_until": "2033-03-30T15:27:45.123456Z",
"updated": "2023-03-30T15:27:45.123456Z"
Note: "created": "2023-03-30T15:27:45.123456Z"
(The date format is OpenAPI date-time notation)
generated by the utility.
This will be ukId which we will get after subscribing.
This will be the HOSTED_DOMAIN
that you are sharing in the payload as the value of subscriber_id.
Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-for-local.yaml --env-file .env-local up -d.```