"type": "folder",
"name": "Images",
"extension": "",
"data": {}
To create add a new root directory, send a POST request to the home page, http://localhost:1337/
To create a new directory or file, send a POST request to that url in the file system replacing root with files, http://localhost:1337/files/
To grab the data of a file, send a GET request1 to that url in the file system replacing root with files, http://localhost:1337/files/sheesh.txt
To grab the data of a folder, send a GET request2 to that url in the file system replacing root with files, http://localhost:1337/files/damn
To upload a new file, send a POST request to that url in the file system replacing root with upload, url/upload/folder/nextfolder/
fileName: String,
fileExtension: String
file: [ObjectID],
metaData: JSON,
path: String,
folderName: String,
folderContent: String,
metaData: JSON,
path: String,
cDirs: [ObjectID],
cFiles: [ObjectID]
// TODO // Add editing of files PUT // Grabbing old version of files // Deleting files // Uploading entire folders // Add grabbing part of the tree // Create packages for commands and that stuff