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SwiftUI swipe actions library. Allows you to make any view swipeable without List view.


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Swipy is a SwiftUI library for creating swipe actions. It allows you to easily add swipeable actions to your SwiftUI views, similar to the swipe actions in iOS Mail and other apps. 🥳

Swipy, SwiftUI swipe actions library.

Make swipe actions easily.

Swipy, SwiftUI swipe actions library.


SwiftUI has swipe actions for only items in the built-in List view and List is unusable and extremely buggy when you want to make even a bit cute feature-rich UIs. 😞

First, after discovering that List is extremely buggy, I found a swipe actions library but it was not working in a ScrollView and then i decided to make Swipy. Swipy is clean and simple and tested on latest iOS SDK and Swift 6; it supports min iOS 15 and Swift 5. 🥳


  • Swipe to reveal actions
  • Customizable
  • Clean and simple API
  • Easy integration with existing SwiftUI views
  • UX friendly
  • Can be used in a ScrollView

iOS Support

Swipy supports minimum iOS 15.


Swipy's isSwipingAnItem binding is useful with ScrollView's .scrollDisabled(_ disabled: Bool) modifier but this modifier requires minimum iOS 16. However, you still have isSwipingANItem so, you can avoid scrolling if somehow it is true.


Swift Package Manager

You can install Swipy via Swift Package Manager.

Add Package Dependency on Xcode

  1. In Xcode, File > Add Package Dependencies.
  2. Enter Swipy GitHub repo address into search bar.
  3. Add Swipy to your project. 🥳

Add Package Dependency on Package.swift

Add Swipy as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    // ...
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

Or, Swipy is a single Swipy.swift

To use Swipy in your project, simply copy the Swipy.swift file into your project.


Swipy is easy. It has two main views: Swipy and SwipyAction.

Make Something Swipeable

In most cases, you'll want to make something swipeable in a ScrollView. First, you need to define a isSwipingAnItem state.

Defining isSwipingAnItem

We always need to have a isSwipingAnItem state and bind it to all Swipy sub-views.


If your Swipy views are inside a ScrollView (or any kind of scrollables), your Swipy views will set your isSwipingAnItem state by bindings to make you able to disable/enable container's scroll properly.

@State private var isSwipingAnItem = false

and you'll use this for your ScrollView's .scrollDisabled(_ disabled: Bool) modifier.

Making a View Swipeable

To make a view swipeable, you need to wrap it in a Swipy and provide the isSwipingAnItem binding.

Swipy(isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem) { model in
    Text("Swipe me!")

Adding Actions

You can add actions to a swipeable view by providing a closure that returns a view for each action.

Swipy(isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem) { model in
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")


SwipyModel is a model that is passed to the SwipyAction's content closure. It provides information about the current swipe state.


  • swipeOffset: The current swipe offset.
  • isSwiping: A boolean that indicates whether an item is being swiped.
  • isScrolling: A boolean that indicates whether the container is scrolling.
  • isSwiped: A boolean that indicates whether an item is swiped.
  • swipeActionsWidth: The width of the swipe actions view.
  • contentSize: The size of the content view.
  • swipeActionsMargin: The margin for swipe actions.
  • swipeThreshold: The swipe threshold calculator function.
  • swipeBehavior: The behavior for swipe actions.
  • scrollBehavior: The behavior for scroll actions.


  • swipe(): Swipes the item.
  • unswipe(): Unswipes the item.


You can use SwipyModel to unswipe your item after an action is performed.

Unswiping when action is performed imperatively

You can unswipe your item after an action is performed by calling the unswipe() method on the SwipyModel.

SwipyAction { model in
    Button {
    } label: {
        Image(systemName: "trash")

Swiping an item imperatively

You can swipe an item imperatively by calling the swipe() method on the SwipyModel.

Swipy(isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem) { model in
    Button {
    } label: {
        Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")


Swipy has customizations to make it fit your app's design and provide best user experience.

View: Swipy

Swipy takes the following arguments and provide a SwipyModel to its sub-views.

It takes these arguments:

  • isSwipingAnItem: A binding that indicates whether an item is being swiped.
  • content: A closure that returns the view to be swiped.
  • actions: A closure that returns a view for each action.
  • (Optional) SwipyActionsMargin: The margin for swipe actions, a SwipyHorizontalMargin struct.
  • (Optional) swipeThreshold: The swipe threshold calculator function.
  • (Optional) swipeBehavior: The behavior for swipe actions, a SwipySwipeBehavior struct.
  • (Optional) scrollBehavior: The behavior for scroll actions, a SwipyScrollBehavior struct.

Option: SwipyActionsMargin: SwipyHorizontalMargin(leading: Double, trailing: Double)

  • leading: The margin on the leading side of the swipe actions.
  • trailing: The margin on the trailing side of the swipe actions.


Default: SwipyHorizontalMargin(leading: 0, trailing: 0)

Option: swipeThreshold: (SwipyModel) -> Double

Function that calculates the swipe threshold. The function takes a SwipyModel and returns a Double.

You'll most likely want to use calculate the swipe threshold based on the width of the swipe actions view that is a property in the SwipyModel. (\.SwipyActionsWidth)


Default: \.SwipyActionsWidth

Option: swipeBehavior: SwipySwipeBehavior

The behavior for swipe actions. You can use predefined behaviors or create custom ones.

Option: scrollBehavior: SwipyScrollBehavior

The behavior for scroll actions. You can use predefined behaviors or create custom ones.

View: SwipyAction

SwipyAction takes these arguments:

  • content(SwipyModel): A closure that returns the view for the action.

SwipyAction provides one argument to your sub-view body SwipyModel. You'll most likely want to use this to unswipe your item after an action is performed.


Swipy provides customizable behaviors for both swipe and scroll actions. These behaviors can be passed to the Swipy view to control how swipe and scroll actions are handled.


If you want to implement custom behaviors, it is simple but to avoid misunderstandings on what they are, please read the following carefully.

Swipe Behavior

The SwipySwipeBehavior struct defines the behavior for swipe actions.


Swipe behavior decider function is for deciding to start or not to start swiping session. Your swipe behavior must return false to prevent to start swiping.

You can use predefined behaviors or create custom ones.


All the default behaviors ignores swipe behavior the current ongoing user drag session after it is started once until it ends; which means .custom { model, gesture in !model.isSwiped && !model.isSwiping /* ... */ }.

Predefined Swipe Behaviors

  • SwipySwipeBehavior.normal: Default behavior.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.soft: Softer swipe behavior.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.hard: Harder swipe behavior.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.straight: No guard behavior.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.disabled: Disables swipe actions.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.swiping(): Behavior when an item is being swiped.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.swiped(): Behavior when an item is swiped.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.offset(_ offset: Double): Behavior based on the swipe offset.
  • SwipySwipeBehavior.velocity(_ velocity: Double): Behavior based on the swipe velocity.


    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    swipeBehavior: .normal
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")

Combining Swipe Behaviors

You can combine swipe behaviors using the and, or and not methods.


    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    swipeBehavior: .normal.and(.velocity(400)))
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")

Custom Swipe Behavior

You can create custom swipe starter behaviors by providing a custom decider function.

Custom Example:

    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    swipeBehavior: .custom { model, gesture in
        !model.isSwiped && !model.isSwiping && gesture.translation.width > -100
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")

High Velocity and Offset Example:

    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    swipeBehavior: .custom().offset(200).and(.velocity(2000))
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {

        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")

Scroll Behavior

The SwipyScrollBehavior struct defines the behavior for prevention of swiping when user is scrolling vertically.


Scroll behavior is a guard to prevent the container's vertical scroll while swiping. Your scroll behavior must return true for starting to prevent swiping for the current ongoing user drag session.

Predefined Scroll Behaviors

  • SwipyScrollBehavior.normal: Default behavior.
  • SwipyScrollBehavior.soft: Softer scroll behavior.
  • SwipyScrollBehavior.hard: Harder scroll behavior.
  • SwipyScrollBehavior.disabled: Disables scroll actions.


    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    scrollBehavior: .normal
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")

Custom Scroll Behavior

You can create custom scroll behaviors by providing a custom decider function.


    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    scrollBehavior: .custom { model, gesture in
        !model.isSwiped && abs(gesture.translation.height) > 10
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")

Combining Scroll Behaviors

You can combine scroll behaviors using the and, or and not methods.


    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    scrollBehavior: .normal.or(.soft).and(.not(.hard))
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")

Another Example:

    isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem,
    scrollBehavior: .custom().offset(20).and(.velocity(100))
) {
    Text("Swipe me!")
} actions: {
    SwipyAction { model in
        Button {
        } label: {
            Image(systemName: "trash")


Basic Example

Here's a basic example of how to use Swipy:

import SwiftUI

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var isSwipingAnItem = false
    @State private var items = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            LazyVStack(spacing: 20) {
                ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
                    Swipy(isSwipingAnItem: $isSwipingAnItem) { model in
                            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
                                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 16)
                                    .shadow(color: .black.opacity(0.1), radius: 5, x: 1, y: 2)
                    } actions: {
                        HStack {
                            SwipyAction { model in
                                Button {
                                    withAnimation(.bouncy) {
                                        items.removeAll { $0 == item }
                                } label: {
                                    Image(systemName: "trash")
                                        .font(.system(size: 20))
                                .frame(maxHeight: .infinity)

                            SwipyAction { model in
                                Button {
                                    withAnimation(.bouncy) {
                                } label: {
                                    Image(systemName: "pencil")
                                        .font(.system(size: 20))
                                .frame(maxHeight: .infinity)

Donations ❤️

You can support the development by making a donation. You have the following options to donate:

You can also support me by buying my MacsyZones app. 🥳

Also see MacsyZones GitHub repo because it is open source too. 🥳

Cryptocurrency Donations

Currency Address
BTC bc1qhvlc762kwuzeawedl9a8z0duhs8449nwwc35e2
ETH / USDT / USDC 0x1D99B2a2D85C34d478dD8519792e82B18f861974
XMR 88qvS4sfUnLZ7nehFrz3PG1pWovvEgprcUhkmVLaiL8PVAFgfHjspjKPLhWLj3DUcm92rwNQENbJ1ZbvESdukWvh3epBUty

Preferably, donating USDT or USDC is recommended but you can donate any of the above currencies. 🥳


We welcome contributions to Swipy. Please see the file for more information.

Code of Conduct

We have adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.


Copyright (C) 2024, Oğuzhan Eroğlu [email protected] (

Licensed under MIT License.

See LICENSE for more information.


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