This module contains Go bindings for the DCC-EX native command protocol. It implements the commands outlined in the summary and uses Go's language features to easily interact with the various entities available in the DCC-EX CommandStation.
As the underlying serial connection doesn't allow mapping the response(s) to the actual command the module offers the concept of a channel on which a caller can obtain either a rw (read/write) or ro (read-only) session. This allows the serialization of commands which expect one or more responses to be sent by DCC-EX. The logic of this is mostly hidden behind the individual package's functions.
By far not all of the native commands are implemented yet.
Start by plugging your DCC-EX CommandStation into a USB port. You can now create a new connection using the right device path:
conn, err := connection.NewConnection(connection.NewDefaultConfig("/dev/ttyACM0"))
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
Derive a new instance of the command station to power on the main track and join with the programming track. But before wait until the station is ready to receive commands:
commandStation := conn.CommandStation()
err = commandStation.Ready(context.Background())
if err != nil {
err = commandStation.PowerTrack(station.PowerOn, station.TrackJoin)
if err != nil {
Set the speed of the locomotive after deriving it from its address:
loc := conn.Cab(3)
err = loc.Speed(70, cab.DirectionForward)
if err != nil {
And activate function F1:
err = loc.Function(1, cab.FunctionOn)
if err != nil {
Now wait until it reaches the block with sensor 31:
block := conn.Sensor(31)
err := block.Wait(context.Background(), sensor.SensorStateActive)
if err != nil {
Or define a callback to be fired every time it leaves the block again:
cleanup := block.SetCallback(sensor.StateInactive, func(id sensor.ID, state sensor.State) {
log.Println("Sensor went inactive")
defer cleanup()
Retrieve status information from the command station:
status, err := controller.Status(context.Background())
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Version: %s\n", status.Version)
In case you just want to get access to the console for reading and writing native commands setup a console:
commandC, writeF, cleanupF := controller.Console()
defer cleanupF()
Ingress commands can be consumed from the commandC
New commands can be sent using the writeF