South Australia
Bug Fixes
values are separated by spaces in
Station names and location names are more consistent in the supplied data and
returned data frames. -
Lat/Lon values for
results are now reported using the
values from the internal database, which has a higher degree of accuracy. The
json file values are rounded while the values from the stations list has four
decimal places
Major changes
Fetch BoM satellite images available through public FTP
New use-case vignette, using bomrang for the WINS project
Welcome message included with statement regarding BoM copyright
Concatenate vignettes into a single file with appendices for descriptions of
data returned by functions -
Product IDs are included in outputs from
functions that return a
tidy dataframe -
Full station names are reported along with BoM's current name used to refer
to a station location. In some cases a station "name" may be the same for both
a current and retired station. -
Fuzzy matching is used for all functions now when user enters a value for a
desired state, station or the whole country for functions that require astate
argument -
Onload a message regarding the copyright and data source,
Data (c) Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology,,
Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 3.0 licence or,
Public Access Licence (PAL) as appropriate.,
is displayed
the bomrang vignette now contains instructions for use along with appendices
that document the data fields and units, rather than separate vingettes -
ramifications of updating station lists are now stated clearly in the vignette
and help files for applicable functions -
a map of BoM stations is included in an appendix of the bomrang vingette
Lat/Lon values are specified to be in decimal degrees in
help and vignette -
Databases station locations and other metadata are internal an not exposed to
the user -
in place ofpaste0()
The package has been linted,
line lengths are <80 chars,
best practice naming conventions are followed (where possible)
Lint md files
Spellchecking in all files
is now used in all functions where the user enters state or Australia
values to query BoM data -
best practices for programming with
dplyr 0.7
are now
employed, which reduces the need for the# CRAN NOTE avoidance
"JSONurl_latlon_by_station_name" has been shortened to
"JSONurl_site_list". -
The DESCRIPTION file now states minimum package versions for packages that are
undergoing rapid development -
Code has been refactored to be shorter, e.g.,
has been moved out of the.parse_bulletin()
function for easier
reading/maintenance -
fixed a repeat of