npm install githubot
Use it in your Hubot script:
module.exports = (robot) ->
github = require('githubot')(robot)
Or use it on its own:
github = require('githubot')
Make any call to the Github v3 API, get the parsed JSON response:
github.get "", (gists) ->
console.log gists[0].description
github.get "users/foo/repos", {type: "owner"}, (repos) ->
console.log repos[0].url
data = { description: "A test gist", public: true, files: { "abc.txt": { content: "abcdefg" } } } "gists", data, (gist) ->
console.log gist.url
is present, you're automatically authenticated. Sweet!
If you don't have a token yet, run this:
curl -i -d '{"scopes":["repo"]}' -u "yourusername"
Enter your Github password when prompted. When you get a response, look for the "token" value.
Mostly a work in progress, but here's a taste of what I have in mind:
gh.branches "foo/bar", (branches) ->
console.log branches[0].name
# Branch from master
gh.branches( "foo/bar" ).create "my_radical_feature", (branch) ->
console.log branch.sha
# Branch from another branch
gh.branches( "foo/bar" ).create "even_more_radical", from: "my_radical_feature", (branch) ->
console.log branch.sha
gh.branches( "foo/bar" ).delete "my_radical_feature", ->
console.log "Deleted my branch!"
Hubot will log errors if a request fails.
If process.env.HUBOT_GITHUB_USER
is present, we can help you guess a repo's full name:
github.qualified_repo "githubot" # => "iangreenleaf/githubot"
This will happen with the bespoke methods as well:
gh.branches "githubot", (branches) ->
: GitHub API token. Required to perform authenticated actions. -
: Default GitHub username to use if one is not given. -
: The base API URL. This is useful for Enterprise Github installations.For example,
: Limits the allowed number of concurrent requests to the GitHub API. Defaults to 20.