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This role configures a single site using server blocks (virtual hosts using Apache jargon).

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Ansible Role: Nginx Server Block

This role configures a single site using server blocks (virtual hosts using Apache jargon).

Work in progress, alpha quality, but usable. Only tested with Ansible 2.4, but it might work with other Ansible releases.

It may work with other distros, just make sure you configure it properly, see "Non Debian distros" section. In particular, it probably works with Alpine Linux, but not tested yet.

A working Nginx should be configured, this role doesn't install it or configure at the http block level.


  • Multiple listen configuration but allows simple common configuration.
  • Multiple location configurations.
  • Server restrictions and restrictions per location.
  • Fine-grained configuration for site.
  • SSL configuration (given cert and key files are available).
  • HTTP2.
  • Predefined location for certain features on site (block .ht*, block source code files, block hidden directories, mask forbidden with 404, etc).

Non Debian distros

By default role is configured for Debian like distros that use sites-available/sites-enabled directories. For other distros, like CentOS, you have to set the following variables:

nsb_nginx_sites_available_path: conf.d
nsb_nginx_sites_enabled_path: conf.d
nsb_distro_allows_disabling_sites: no

The final configuration depends on your Nginx configuration.

If nsb_distro_allows_disabling_sites is yes, role deploys conf file in nsb_nginx_sites_available_path, and then makes a symlink from nsb_nginx_sites_enabled_path to conf file.

If nsb_distro_allows_disabling_sites is no, role deploys conf file in nsb_nginx_sites_enabled_path, without making any symlink.

Predefined locations

This role provides some predefined locations that can be added to server block locations. See nsb_locations.

Keep in mind that those locations have certain match rules that can interfere with other custom locations. First locations have higher priority. See for more info.

  • block_hidden_dirs: Blocks any hidden file or directory (those that begins with a period. If nsb_feature_blocked_to_404 is set to yes a 404 is returned instead of a 403.

  • block_apache_ht_files: Ignores Apache's .ht* files. Used when nsb_feature_ignore_ht_files is enabled. You can add it to nsb_locations if you prefer to control where it's placed. If nsb_feature_blocked_to_404 is set to yes a 404 is returned instead of a 403.

  • no_favicon_logging: Do not log accesses to favicon.ico. Used when nsb_feature_dont_log_favicon is enabled. You can add it to nsb_locations if you prefer to control where it's placed.

  • no_robots_txt_logging: Do not log accesses to robots.txt. Used when nsb_feature_dont_log_robots_txt is enabled. You can add it to nsb_locations if you prefer to control where it's placed.

  • images_bypass_basic_auth: Sometimes is interesting to allow access only to image files. For example, development environments protectec by Basic Auth could benefit from this so external services like email readers can access images embedded in the email body. Not all images bypass the Baisc Auth,m only the typical web content formats: JPEG, WebP, PNG, GIF and SVG.

  • block_sensitive_files: Block certain files that may contain confidential information. For example: .sql, .mysql, .php, .install, .module, .yml, .orig, .json, .lock, etc.


A restriction block can be assigned to the server or to any location.

Restrictions covers:

  • Basic auth setup (with an existing htpassw file).
  • Allow/disallow clauses.
  • Change satisfy default value to 'any'.


Restriction block properties:

  • satisfy_any: yes

    If yes, a satisfy any; clause is added.

  • deny_allow_list: []

    List of allow/deny clauses.

  • basic_auth_off: no

    Disables the basic auth for this block. Not valid for server context, only for location contexts. Used when there's a basic auth defined at server context and you want to disable in a certain location. If basic_auth_enabled is yes an error is triggered.

  • basic_auth_enabled: no

    Enable basic auth.

  • basic_auth_name: null

    Basic auth name. Mandatory when basic auth is enabled.

  • basic_auth_passwd_filepath: null

    htpasswd file with valid users. Mandatory when basic auth is enabled.

Restriction block example:

  satisfy_any: yes
    - deny
    - allow
    - allow
    - deny all
  basic_auth_enabled: yes
  basic_auth_name: 'Restricted area'
  basic_auth_passwd_filepath: '/etc/htpasswd/file'


This role doesn't deal with Nginx installation or general configuration so Nginx must be installed in the system prior to using this role.

You can try for example this role to install Nginx: Or this one:

Role Variables

Mandatory variables

  • nsb_domains: List of domains for this server block. At least one domain must be present. The first domain will be considered the main domain for this server block. Redirected domains will point to this main domain. Also, it's used for generated identifiers and names, like the main configuration file.

Mandatory when SSL is enabled

  • nsb_ssl_certificate_file: Path to certificate file.

  • nsb_ssl_certificate_key_file: Path to certificate key file.

Optional/fine configuration variables (along with default value)

  • nsb_docroot_path:

    Path to docroot. If not set means that this server block probably will be a redirection, proxy or something similar.

  • nsb_locations: []

    List of server locations. Each location can have two forms. One is the custom locatins and they have the following properties:

    • match: Location's match clause. Mandatory. Ex: /, /status, ^~ /images/, ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg)$

    • body: Location's body, code inside the { and }. Mandatory.

    • restriction: Restriction block attached to this location. See Restriction section. This property is optional.

    The second form is when you want to add predefined location. In that case only a predefined property is needed. The proprerty should have the predefined location name.

  • nsb_server_block_enabled: yes

    Enables configured server block. If set to no, configuration is not loaded by Nginx. This disables the server block.

  • nsb_ipv4_interface: '*'

    IPv4 interface to listen to for HTTP and HTTPS.

  • nsb_ipv6_interface: '*'

    IPv6 interface to listen to for HTTP and HTTPS.

  • nsb_listen_port: 80

    Nginx will listen to this port for incoming HTTP connections.

  • nsb_ssl_listen_port: 443

    Nginx will listen to this port for incoming HTTPS connections.

  • nsb_additional_listen_configuration: []

    Complex listen configuration can be added to this variable if needed. See defaults/main.yml to get the details.

  • nsb_use_access_log_file_for_site: yes

    Whether to use an access log file for this site or not.

  • nsb_use_error_log_file_for_site: yes

    Whether to use an error log file for this site or not.

  • nsb_log_dir_path: /var/log/nginx

    Directory where to put the log files.

  • nsb_log_format_access: combined

    Log format used for access log.

  • nsb_log_error_level: error

    Log level for error log.

  • nsb_restriction: none

    Server context restriction block. See Restriction section.

  • nsb_server_additional_conf: null

    Additional server block configuration. Use multiline syntax if more than one line is needed.

Variables to enable certain features using location blocks (along with default value)

  • nsb_feature_allow_well_known_rfc_5785: yes

    Allows access to files under .well-known as stated in RFC 5785. If https is enforced this makes sure files under .well-known are still available under http.

  • nsb_feature_ignore_ht_files: yes

    Block access to Apache's .ht* files. If yes, the predefined location block_apache_ht_files is added on top of custom locations. If you enable this setting you shouldn't use the block_apache_ht_files location directly (don't use in the nsb_locations array).

  • nsb_feature_dont_log_favicon: yes

    Do not log accesses to favicon.ico file. If yes, the predefined location nsb_feature_dont_log_favicon is added on top of custom locations. If you enable this setting you shouldn't use the no_favicon_logging location directly (don't use in the nsb_locations array).

  • nsb_feature_dont_log_robots_txt: yes

    Do not log accesses to robotgs.txt file. If yes, the predefined location nsb_feature_dont_log_robots_txt is added on top of custom locations. If you enable this setting you shouldn't use the no_favicon_logging location directly (don't use in the nsb_locations array).

  • nsb_feature_blocked_to_404: yes

    Instead of return a 403 on blocked URLs return a 404. Only valid for block_apache_ht_files and block_hidden_dirs predefined locations.

More optional/fine configuration variables (along with default value)

  • nsb_ipv4_interface: '*'

    Interface for IPv4 connections. If '*' all interfaces are used. If None no IPv4 interface is used.

  • nsb_ipv6_interface: '*'

    Interface for IPv6 connections. If '*' all interfaces are used. If None no IPv6 interface is used.

  • nsb_conf_file_owner: root

    User to own configuration files.

  • nsb_conf_file_group: www-data

    Configuration files assigned group.

Other variables

Optional Nginx configuration variables. Those variables DO NOT configure Nginx but report the Nginx configuration to this role.

  • nsb_nginx_conf_dir: /etc/nginx
  • nsb_nginx_sites_available_path: sites-available
  • nsb_nginx_sites_enabled_path: sites-enabled
  • nsb_distro_allows_disabling_sites: yes


No direct dependencies but as said above Nginx must be installed.

Example Playbook

Simplest block server with just one simple location.

- hosts: servers
    - role: metadrop.nginx_server_block
      nsb_docroot_path: "/var/vhosts/"
      nsb_https_enabled: no
        - match: "/"
          body: |
            index  index.html index.htm;

Block server with more options, SSL and restriction applied.

- hosts: servers
    - role: metadrop.nginx_server_block
      nsb_docroot_path: "/var/vhosts/"
      nsb_https_enabled: yes
      nsb_ssl_certificate_file: /var/ssl/certs/
      nsb_ssl_certificate_key_file: /var/ssl/certs/
        satisfy_any: yes
          - deny
          - allow
          - allow
          - deny all
        basic_auth_enabled: yes
        basic_auth_name: 'Restricted area'
        basic_auth_passwd_filepath: '/etc/htpasswd/'
        - match: "/"
          body: |
            root   /var/www/html;
            index  index.html index.htm;

Block server with a simple redirection to another domain.

- hosts: servers
    - role: metadrop.nginx_server_block
      nsb_server_additional_conf: "return 301$request_uri;"
      nsb_force_https: no

Block server that acts as a proxy cache. Note that web_backend proxy must be defined in the Nginx config elsewhere.

- hosts: servers
    - role: metadrop.nginx_server_block
      nsb_docroot_path: "/var/vhosts/"
      nsb_https_enabled: yes
      nsb_ssl_certificate_file: /var/ssl/certs/
      nsb_ssl_certificate_key_file: /var/ssl/certs/
      nsb_server_additional_conf: |
        # Enable proxy cache.
        proxy_cache general_cache;

        # Add header to report cache misses and hits.
        add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
        - match: "/"
          body: "try_files $uri @proxy;"
        - match: "@proxy"
          body: |
            limit_req zone=flood_protection burst=50 nodelay;
            proxy_pass http://web_backend;
            proxy_set_header  Host $host;
            proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-By    $server_addr:$server_port;
            proxy_set_header  X-Local-Proxy     $scheme;
            proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

            proxy_pass_header Set-Cookie;
            proxy_pass_header Cookie;
            proxy_pass_header X-Accel-Expires;
            proxy_pass_header X-Accel-Redirect;
            proxy_pass_header X-This-Proto;

Block server with predefined locations and RFC 5785 option enabled.

- hosts: servers
    - role: metadrop.nginx_server_block
      nsb_docroot_path: "/var/vhosts/"
      nsb_https_enabled: yes
      nsb_ssl_certificate_file: /var/ssl/certs/
      nsb_ssl_certificate_key_file: /var/ssl/certs/
      nsb_feature_allow_well_known_rfc_5785: yes
        - predefined: no_favicon_logging
        - predefined: no_robots_txt_logging
        - match: "/"
          body: |
            index  index.html index.htm;

Same as previous example but using variables that enable configuration features (in this case not logging accesses to robots.txt and favicon.ico.

- hosts: servers
    - role: metadrop.nginx_server_block
      nsb_docroot_path: "/var/vhosts/"
      nsb_https_enabled: yes
      nsb_ssl_certificate_file: /var/ssl/certs/
      nsb_ssl_certificate_key_file: /var/ssl/certs/
      nsb_feature_allow_well_known_rfc_5785: yes
    nsb_feature_dont_log_robots_txt: yes
    nsb_feature_dont_log_favicon: yes
        - match: "/"
          body: |
            index  index.html index.htm;


GPL 3.0

Author Information

Ricardo Sanz [email protected]


This role configures a single site using server blocks (virtual hosts using Apache jargon).







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