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bookdown 0.8

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@yihui yihui released this 04 Dec 03:02


  • Added Conjecture to the list of theorem environments.

  • In addition to rmd_subdir: true, which searches all subdirectories, you can now provide a list of subdirectories to be recursively searched (#242).

  • Added an argument template to gitbook() and epub_book() (thanks, @ThierryO, #570).

  • Added an argument table_css to gitbook() to allow customized css for tables. (thanks, @haozhu233, #642)

  • You can also add a "history" button on the Gitbook toolbar, which is similar to the "edit" button, but shows the GIT history of a source file instead (thanks, @maelle #638, @noamross, #639).

  • Added a quiet argument to serve_book(), so that users can suppress stdout with bookdown::serve_book(quiet = TRUE) (thanks, @hammer, #633).

  • For HTML output, the title of the current chapter or section will be added to the page title (in the <title> tag). This will give readers more information when reading the results from search engines or Twitter cards. Previously, all pages would have identical titles (thanks, @benwhalley and @batpigandme, #544).


  • HTML output formats such as gitbook and html_document2 won't work when only unnumbered parts (i.e., # (PART\*)) are used (thanks, @tjmahr, #575).

  • Previously the rmd_files parameter in _bookdown.yml would override rmd_subdir, but now both parameters can be used simultaneously (thanks, @ellisvalentiner, #600).

  • Resources with URL encoded special characters are now correctly copied to the output directory (thanks, @AshesITR, #622).

  • serve_book() can now be used without error when rstudioapi is installed but RStudio is not being used (thanks, @jimhester, #637).

  • Text references via (ref:label) for bookdown::pdf_document() doesn't always work (thanks, @brendanf, #616).