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Semantics of Elrond and Mandos

This repository the semantics of the MultiversX (formerly Elrond) blockchain in K on top of WebAssembly semantics (KWasm).



Installing Dependencies

Python3 and WABT should be installable via your system's package manager alongside with the follwoing other dependencies. We use the Ubuntu package manager as an example:

sudo apt-get install --yes               \
                     autoconf            \
                     libtool             \
                     cmake               \
                     curl                \
                     wget                \
                     libcrypto++-dev     \
                     libsecp256k1-dev    \
                     libssl-dev          \
                     python3             \
                     python3-pip         \
                     python3-venv        \

K Framework

You need to install the K Framework on your system. While you can build it from soucre, the fastest way is via the kup package manager.

To install kup simply run

bash <(curl

Once kup is installed, to get the correct version of K run:

kup install k.openssl.secp256k1 --version v$(cat deps/k_release)


To install Poetry you can use the following command

curl -sSL | python3 -

For more complete instructions see the official installer.


To install Rust and the necessary crates you have to install rustup, which can be done by ruuning the following on a Unix-like OS:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Or, if you want to install a more fine-tuned version for this project:

wget -O && \
chmod +x && \
./ --verbose --default-toolchain nightly-2023-12-11 --target wasm32-unknown-unknown -y


sc-meta is the MultiversX smart contract managing tool. To install it, you can run the following

cargo install multiversx-sc-meta --locked

However, if you run into problems with the above command, this might be because of your rustup version. Try installing it with a nightly version of rustup alongside your current one:

rustup install nightly

and to install sc-meta with the nightly version run:

cargo +nightly install multiversx-sc-meta --locked

If the above doesn't succeed try installing a less recent version of the tool. For instance, to install version 0.48.1 run:

cargo +nightly install multiversx-sc-meta --locked --version 0.48.1

See Dockerfile for additional installation details.

Building the semantics

Compile the semantics with:

$ make build

It will build MANDOS as the main module using the LLVM backend. The compiled definition will be placed under ./build/defn.

Then the tests can be run with:

$ make test

Installing kmultiversx

kmultiversx is a Python package providing libraries and CLI tools to interact with the semantics. To install kmultiversx and its dependencies into a virtual environment, run

# from the 'elrond-semantics' directory
poetry -C kmultiversx install

After the installation, the Python package kmultiversx and CLI tools mandos and kasmer will be available via the poetry run command

poetry -C kmultiversx run mandos --help
poetry -C kmultiversx run kasmer --help

Or you can activate the virtual environment managed by poetry and use the commands directly

poetry -C kmultiversx shell
mandos --help

Alternatively, you can install kmultiversx globally

make -C kmultiversx build
pip install kmultiversx/dist/*.whl
mandos --help
kasmer --help


To run Mandos tests, first build the contract:

$ sc-meta all build "<path-to-contract-directory>" --wasm-symbols

Then run Mandos scenarios with:

poetry -C kmultiversx run mandos --definition .build/defn/llvm/mandos-kompiled <path-to-mandos-file>

Or with a globally installed instance

mandos --definition .build/defn/llvm/mandos-kompiled <path-to-mandos-file>


$ sc-meta all build "deps/mx-sdk-rs/contracts/examples/multisig" --wasm-symbols
INFO:projects.core:Build ran.
INFO:projects.core:WASM file generated: /path/to/multisig/output/multisig.wasm
$ mandos deps/mx-sdk-rs/contracts/examples/multisig/scenarios/changeBoard.scen.json

Rule Coverage

Compile the semantics with K_COVERAGE=true to enable the coverage analysis. This will make krun generate coverage data after every execution:

$ make build K_COVERAGE=true

Execute the programs to measure rule coverage for:

$ make test

Run the coverage analysis. This will list the locations of the rules that are not exercised.

$ make -s rule-coverage

The coverage files generated by krun are located under the build directory (.build/defn/llvm/mandos-kompiled). To clean up the coverage data generated, run make clean-coverage.

Writing Property Tests

Create a test contract

To begin writing tests for your smart contract, you'll first need to create an empty contract using sc-meta.

sc-meta new --template empty test_adder

Next, add testapi as a dependency to your project. This package contains auxiliary external functions specifically designed for testing, implemented as WASM host functions.

$ cargo add <path to src/testapi/>

Initializing the test contract

The testing API provides the test contract with special abilities that regular contracts do not have, such as accessing the storage of other contracts and deploying contracts using local WASM file paths.

We will use the init function to deploy the contract(s) involved in our test cases and create an initial state for running the test cases. This can be thought of as the equivalent of the setState and scDeploy steps in scenario tests.

fn init(&self, code_path: ManagedBuffer)

The init function takes a path to the contract's wasm file as an argument and utilizes the testapi::deploy_contract function to deploy it. This function works similarly to the scDeploy step in the scenario format.

let adder = testapi::deploy_contract(
        &owner,              // address of the owner account
        5000000000000,       // some gas
        &BigUint::zero(),    // value
        &code_path,          // path to wasm file

Once you've implemented the init function, it's essential to make sure the test runner knows the correct file path to use when deploying the test contract. To achieve this, you'll need to create a kasmer.json file in the root directory of your test contract. In this file, specify the relative path to the contract's WASM file that you want to deploy for testing.

For example, assuming your test contract is named test_adder, and you want to deploy the adder.wasm contract located in the ../../../deps/mx-sdk-rs/contracts/examples/adder/output/ directory, your kasmer.json file should look like this:

  "contract_paths": [

By providing the correct file path in the kasmer.json file, the test runner will be able to deploy the specified contract during the testing process. With the init function in place and the contract file path specified, you are now ready to write test cases in endpoints.

Writing test cases in endpoints

In our testing approach, test cases are organized as endpoints, clearly labeled with the 'test_' prefix for easy identification.

fn test_call_add(&self, value: BigUint)

These endpoints can accept parameters, enabling us to express the contract's properties parametrically by varying these variables. This flexibility allows us to execute tests with fuzzing techniques or prove them using symbolic execution.

Within each endpoint, we interact with the contract deployed during the init phase and employ the testing API to make specific assertions. These assertions serve as validation checks, ensuring that the contract behaves as intended and produces the expected outcomes during testing.

In certain testing scenarios, it becomes necessary to simulate actions from another account. To achieve this, we employ a feature known as "pranks."

Pranks enable the test contract to act as another account temporarily. We initiate a prank by using the testapi::start_prank(&acct_addr) function, where acct_addr represents the address of the account we wish to impersonate. Once the prank is started, any calls made by the test contract will be executed as if they were sent from the specified acct_addr. This allows us to test various functionalities from the perspective of that particular account.

For instance, let's consider the following code snippet:

let res = self.send_raw().direct_egld_execute(

In this example, we initiate a prank using the owner account address. Subsequently, we execute a call to the contract adder as if it were invoked from the owner account. Once the intended actions are completed, we stop the prank using testapi::stop_prank().

After executing the call to the adder contract through a prank, it's common to observe changes in the contract's storage. To verify whether the expected changes have occurred, we can access the storage of the account using testapi::get_storage. In the following code snippet, we retrieve the value stored under the key "sum" in the storage of the adder contract:

let sum_as_bytes = testapi::get_storage(&adder, &ManagedBuffer::from(b"sum")); 
let sum = BigUint::from(sum_as_bytes);

Once we have obtained the stored value, we can then proceed to make assertions to verify its correctness. In this example, we are checking if the sum value is equal to the sum of the initial value (INIT_SUM) and the current value:

testapi::assert(sum == (value + INIT_SUM));

By combining pranks with storage access and assertions, we can comprehensively test the behavior of our Smart Contracts, ensuring their accuracy and robustness in various scenarios.

Running tests

To run the tests for your Smart Contracts, ensure that you have fulfilled the following prerequisites:

  1. Compile the semantics by executing make build-kasmer.
  2. Add a <path to adder contract>/multicontract.toml file to the adder contract, something like:
    main = "main"
    name = "adder"
    add-unlabelled = true
    allocator = "fail"
    stack-size = "1 pages"
    The stack-size should be as low as possible, while also allowing the contract to run without errors. Also, if the contract does not need it, the allocator should be "fail".
  3. Compile the contract using sc-meta all build <path to adder contract>.
  4. Install the hypothesis library by running pip3 install hypothesis. This library will be utilized for concrete execution with fuzzing.

Now, follow these steps to run the test contract:

Build the test contract by executing

sc-meta all build <path to test contract>

Run the kasmer tool with the test contract's path as the argument:

kasmer --definition-dir .build/defn/llvm/kasmer-kompiled --directory <path to test contract>

The kasmer tool will deploy the test contract using the arguments specified in the kasmer.json file located in the test directory. It will extract the names and argument types of the test endpoints. Subsequently, the script will test these endpoints using random inputs generated with the hypothesis library, enabling fuzz testing. If it encounters an input that falsifies the assertions made in the test cases, it attempts to shrink the input and identify a minimal failing example.

By following these steps, you can efficiently and comprehensively evaluate your Smart Contracts, ensuring their correctness and reliability in various scenarios and inputs.