Hello there, I'm João Batista, from Brazil 🇧🇷.
I'm currently learning: Python, Computer Vision and Artificial intelligence
I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects
Ask me about: C, Java, Shell Script ,GNU/Linux and other things.
Hello there, I'm João Batista, from Brazil 🇧🇷.
I'm currently learning: Python, Computer Vision and Artificial intelligence
I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects
Ask me about: C, Java, Shell Script ,GNU/Linux and other things.
Detecção de linhas de plantio em plantações de cana-de-açúcar utilizando deep learning
Jupyter Notebook 2
Nvidia driver to Slackware 15.0
Shell 2
Clone Slackware mirror to a local folder using rsync
Clone Slackware multilib mirror to a local folder using rsync