This is the software for the third challenge "Leonardo Drone Contest" of 2022.
The package includes several ROS nodes for the various tasks that the drone needs to perform during the challenge.
The simulation and the autopilot are based on PX4 v1.12.3 and ROS Melodic/Noetic.
Clone the repository with the simulator and the PX4 firmware
git clone --recursive PX4-Autopilot
and refer to the official installation guide of PX4 for the Ubuntu developer toolchain.
To start the action server, type
roslaunch drone_contest_2022 action_server.launch
This will start:
- The "setPointPublisher" that publishes the setpoints to "/mavros/setpoint_raw/local" in order to use the offboard flight mode (the position feedback is also needed, as default the program reads that from "/mavros/vision_pose/pose" )
- The action server
To use the actions you can create your own action clients or publish a goal from a new terminal, for example
rostopic pub /takeOff/goal drone_contest_2022/takeOffActionGoal
seq: 0
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: ''
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
id: ''
altitude_setpoint: 2.0
duration: 2.0"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.