released this
03 Feb 17:23
Fixed some failing tests due to how error handling changed.
Fixed some formatting on the documentation website
Added ability to create geometry from an excel spreadsheet
Added significant documentation on complex modes
Added octave averaging to the PowerSpectralDensityArray class
Fixed a bug in the local rational modelling FRF method
Fixed a bug in the geometry plotter due to changes in pyqt and PyQt5
Added ability to create more general sine sweeps
Fixed issue where node colors were not displayed correctly when plotting geometry.
Fixed issues with unescaped characters in docstrings and code
Used Black to fix some of the code quality issues.
Went back to PyQt5 from PyQt6
Fixed bug in UFF reader for complex modes in dataset 55
Added ability to use different signals as references for a CPSD
Added ability to compute APSDs, CPSDs, and (Multiple) Coherence from time data
Added functions to find reciprocal functions (reference/response and response/reference) and drive point functions (reference = response)
Added more function types to the top-level namespace
Fixed a bug in window function application where you couldn't pass a numpy array as a window function.
Added ability to specify which part of the FRF to plot (real, imaginary, magnitude, phase)
Added new plotting capabilities
Plotting data as an image
Plotting coherence overlaid with FRFs
Added ability to put markers on the GUIPlot and standard plot functions
Added mode markers to resynthesis plots in PolyPy
Added a function to read modal fit data from PolyPy
Finally added a table to select the mode to plot in the mode shape plotter, also allowing you to edit comments on the modes.
Added a ModalTest class to represent a complete modal test with many plotting capabilities
Fixed a bug where the maximum excitation frequency was ignored for a multiple-hammer test simulation
Fixed a bug in PolyPy where participation factors near zero caused the poles to look unstable
Added ability to read binary UFF files (Thanks Thomas!)
Fixed the colormap to allow for more than 10 lines on a plot.
Fixed a bug where rigid body modes were incorrectly created for cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
Overhauled the code for fitting mode shapes and added significant documentation for understanding complex modes
Added a new FRF computation approach: Local Rational Modeling (Thanks Keaton!)
Fixed geometry plotting due to depreciated capability in VTK
Added ability to read geometry from an Excel spreadsheet (Thanks Brandon!)
Added methods to offset node ids in CoordinateArrays
Added method to strip transformations from a system object
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