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Official Node.js SDK

Scalekit is an Enterprise Authentication Platform purpose built for B2B applications. This Node.js SDK helps implement Enterprise Capabilities like Single Sign-on via SAML or OIDC in your Node.js applications within a few hours.


  1. Sign up for a Scalekit account.
  2. Get your env_url, client_id and client_secret from the Scalekit dashboard.
Note: Our NodeJS SDK currently supports NodeJS versions >=18 as it is the min LTS version that is maintained by the NodeJS ecosystem.


Install Scalekit SDK using your preferred package manager.

npm install @scalekit-sdk/node
yarn add @scalekit-sdk/node
pnpm add @scalekit-sdk/node

Minimum Requirements

The Scalekit Node.js SDK has been tested with and requires the following:

Component Version
Node.js 16.0.0+

Note: While Node.js 16.0.0 is the minimum requirement, we recommend using Node.js versions >=18 LTS for improved performance and long-term support.


Initialize the Scalekit client using the appropriate credentials. Refer code sample below.

import { ScalekitClient } from "@scalekit-sdk/node";

const scalekitClient = new ScalekitClient(

// Use the sc object to interact with the Scalekit API
const authUrl = scalekitClient.getAuthorizationUrl("", {
  state: "state",
  connectionId: "connection_id",

Examples - SSO with Express.js

Below is a simple code sample that showcases how to implement Single Sign-on using Scalekit SDK

import express from "express";
import { ScalekitClient } from "@scalekit-sdk/node";

const app = express();

const sc = new ScalekitClient(

const redirectUri = `${process.env.HOST}/auth/callback`;

// Get the authorization URL and redirect the user to the IdP login page
app.get("/auth/login", (req, res) => {
  const authUrl = scalekitClient.getAuthorizationUrl(
      state: "state",
      connectionId: "connection_id",


// Handle the callback from Scalekit
app.get("/auth/callback", async (req, res) => {
  const { code, error, error_description, idp_initiated_login } = req.query;
  // Handle error
  if (error) {
    return res.status(400).json({ error, error_description });
  // Handle IdP initiated login
  if (idp_initiated_login) {
    // Get the claims from the IdP initiated login
    const {
    } = await scalekitClient.getIdpInitiatedLoginClaims(idp_initiated_login as string);
    // Get the authorization URL and redirect the user to the IdP login page
    const url = scalekitClient.getAuthorizationUrl(
        connectionId: connection_id,
        organizationId: organization_id,
        loginHint: login_hint,
        ...(relay_state && { state: relay_state }),

   return res.redirect(url);
  const authResp = await scalekitClient.authenticateWithCode(code, redirectUri);
  res.cookie("access_token", authResp.accessToken);
  return res.json(authResp.accessToken);

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Server is running on port 3000");

Example Apps

Fully functional sample applications written using some popular web application frameworks and Scalekit SDK. Feel free to clone the repo and run them locally.

API Reference

Refer to our API reference docs for detailed information about all our API endpoints and their usage.

More Information


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.