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atlas-schema v0.2.4

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This is the python package containing schemas and helper functions enabling analyzers to work with ATLAS datasets (Monte Carlo and Data), using coffea.

Hello World

The simplest example is to just get started processing the file as expected:

from atlas_schema.schema import NtupleSchema
from coffea import dataset_tools
import awkward as ak

fileset = {"ttbar": {"files": {"path/to/ttbar.root": "tree_name"}}}
samples, report = dataset_tools.preprocess(fileset)

def noop(events):
    return ak.fields(events)

fields = dataset_tools.apply_to_fileset(noop, samples, schemaclass=NtupleSchema)

which produces something similar to

    "ttbar": [

However, a more involved example to apply a selection and fill a histogram looks like below:

import awkward as ak
import dask
import hist.dask as had
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from coffea import processor
from coffea.nanoevents import NanoEventsFactory
from distributed import Client

from atlas_schema.schema import NtupleSchema

class MyFirstProcessor(processor.ProcessorABC):
    def __init__(self):

    def process(self, events):
        dataset = events.metadata["dataset"]
        h_ph_pt = (
  ["all", "pass", "fail"], name="isEM")
            .Regular(200, 0.0, 2000.0, name="pt", label="$pt_{\gamma}$ [GeV]")

        cut = ak.all(, axis=1)
        h_ph_pt.fill(isEM="all", pt=ak.firsts( / 1.0e3))
        h_ph_pt.fill(isEM="pass", pt=ak.firsts(events[cut] / 1.0e3))
        h_ph_pt.fill(isEM="fail", pt=ak.firsts(events[~cut] / 1.0e3))

        return {
            dataset: {
                "entries": ak.num(events, axis=0),
                "ph_pt": h_ph_pt,

    def postprocess(self, accumulator):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = Client()

    fname = "ntuple.root"
    events = NanoEventsFactory.from_root(
        {fname: "analysis"},
        metadata={"dataset": "700352.Zqqgamma.mc20d.v1"},

    p = MyFirstProcessor()
    out = p.process(events)
    (computed,) = dask.compute(out)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.legend(title="Photon pT for Zqqgamma")


which produces

three stacked histograms of photon pT, with each stack corresponding to: no selection, requiring the isEM flag, and inverting the isEM requirement

Developer Notes

Converting Enums from C++ to Python

This useful vim substitution helps:

%s/    \([A-Za-z]\+\)\s\+=  \(\d\+\),\?/    \1: Annotated[int, "\1"] = \2