Republic of Miner is a blockchain game where you need to mine resources with your CPU and craft stuff.
More informations here :
The code included in this repository was written for fun, feel free to contribute for more fun !
Basically, it includes a web server used a rest api to query the blockchain like an explorer,
and a client that will continuously mine resources on your behalf.
You can switch between those 2 behaviour by modifying main.go
We setup a web server where you can query blocks and transactions :
Get transaction by hash : http://localhost:3000/tx/zIJZB67U0gTUnGq649baM%2F5ylbUE1ydm5WpJ7xn2XfQ%3D
Get block by height : http://localhost:3000/block/10
Get block by hash : http://localhost:3000/block/XZ6uMgCbVnDmj10QMjD8g7pquULgtfBuYwbm5mDAKzs= \
The server connects to the explorer to get the data and displays it in json format.
The package to access the blockchain explorer
The miner loads the wallet and continuously requests a mining task to the server then solves it.
The miner connects both to the explorer and the game server.
The package to access the game server
The procotocol folder contains code related the representation of the elements of the blockchain.
More informations can be found here :
The wallet loads or create a private key in the database.
The vault is a SQLite database where you can store data encyrpted by the password associated a key.