Releases: seesjays/ELPath
Releases · seesjays/ELPath
Essentially complete: rewrite remains
Features implemented:
- Pathfinding System
- Breadth-First
- Depth-First
- Dijkstra's
- A* Search
- Random mazes for pathfinding
Retry/Reset/Dropdown improvements
Reworked window mounting system
Algorithm Information: Learn about the time complexities and methodology behind the algorithms
UI Rework
Remaining goals:
Rewrite to function on the newest version of DPG; may result in rework of highlighting system
Code readability pass
Fun extra: Dataset resizing
These features will ship with 1.0, after which development will conclude.
Features implemented:
- Sorting algorithms
- Bubble
- Selection
- Merge
- Quick
- Cocktail
- Insertion
- Massively Improved data highlighting system
- Step detailing bundled with the highlighting system
Remaining goals:
- Pathfinding system
- UI improvements
- Rewrite to function on the newest version of DPG; may result in rework of highlighting system
- Code readability pass
Pathfinding will be implemented in 0.8 and refined in 0.9, which will also come with the UI changes and readability pass.
Version rewrite planned for 1.0