WPBackupViaGit is for creating a backup point from the website on a git account with any frequency and restoring to any backup point, such as WordPress, etc.
v2ray2json is a Python script for converting 'vmess://', 'vless://', 'trojan://', 'ss://', etc. subscription format to JSON config. (vmess to json - vless to json - trojan to json - ss to json)
Superclient-VPN is a router with multi vpn client protocols to keep your VPN always on, for all Linux embedded boards and written in Django.
Django REST Framework and Elasticsearch
Python for DevOps repo with useful python scripts to learn and implement in your day-to-day devops automation tasks.
Master the Django ORM - Object-Relational Mapper. Learn to use the Django ORM in your Django applications.
A Pytest Django Course - Learn how to implement Pytest with Django.
Docker Mastery with Django is an open-source initiative and tutorial series. Learn from a beginner level how to use Docker, compose and Kubernetes for django projects.
jadijadi / bitcoin
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinBitcoin Core integration/staging tree
jimmyheller / Karej
Forked from silvercover/Karejسایت و خبرنامه موقعیتهای شغلی خارج از ایران
parsing , enrichment , field extraction of any type log with regexp , logstash , grok , splunk , ....