KNIME example workflows for NGS data analysis with SeqAn apps. Here we host and share community workflows.
Please read the howto at first about how to integrate SeqAn nodes into KNIME and how to use or contribute workflows.
- [Variant Calling with SnpStore](variant_calling_snpstore_workflow)
- Two variant calling workflows based on the read mapper RazerS 3 and the variant caller SnpStore.
- [Variant Calling with mpileup](variant_calling_bwa_workflow)
- A variant calling workflow based on the read mapper BWA and samtools mpileup for variant calling.
- [BS-Seq Analysis with bs-tools](bs_seq_analysis_workflow)
- A workflow for BS-Seq data analysis, from bisulfite read mapping to SNP and methylation level calling at single-nucleotide resolution.
- [GASiC workflow](metagenomics_gasic_workflow)
- Genome Abundance Similarity Correction workflow.
- [Rabema Example Workflow](rabema_example_workflow)
- A workflow to benchmark the sensitivity of read mappers.
If you have questions feel free to contact the SeqAn mailing list at [email protected]