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Vojtěch Sajdl edited this page Apr 13, 2018 · 5 revisions


Server status API is considered work in progress as of 9f7e15f commit. These APIs will still be subject to change, although I expect I will only add more options. The goal right now is to enable another website or computer program to pull data from Server status about current service availability and possibly upcoming maintenance. When talking about parameters, they are assumed sent by GET method, unless specified otherwise.

Status api


Returns: Array of JSON encoded objects / JSON encoded object

     "id": <integer>,
     "name": <String>, //Service name
     "status": <Int>, //Status ENUM
     "status_string": <String> //Status string that is normally displayed in the overview


  • lang (String) - language you want the status strings be in [a-z]*([_-][A-Z]*)? format where lowercase is language and uppercase is locale.
  • id (Int) - id of service you want to get status of

Incident api



    "more": <boolean>, //true if there is more results than was the limit
    "incidents": <array of incidents>
            "id": <Int>,
            "date": <Timestamp>,
            "end_date": <Timestamp>,
            "text": <String>, //Incident content
            "type": <Int>, //Type enum
            "title": <String>, //Incident title
            "username": <String>

0: Major outage
1: Minor outage
2: Planned maintenance
3: Operational


  • lang (String) - language you want the status strings be in [a-z]*([_-][A-Z]*)? format where lowercase is language and uppercase is locale.
  • future (Boolean) - true if you want to get planned maintenance
  • limit (Int) - max number of returned results
  • offset (Int) - offset
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