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/ rg-portal Public archive

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RG Portal

Development Environment Configuration


  • Ruby 2.3.7
  • Bundler
  • Bower


  • rbenv

Slack OAuth configuration file

  • Copy configuration sample from config/oauth.yml.sample
$ cp config/oauth.yml.sample config/oauth.yml
  • Get the oauth information from Slack RG AuthenticationのOAuth情報 (require slack authentication)

  • Do not create a new authentication yourself. The number of integrations has a limit.

Gem installation

$ bundle install --path=vendor/bundle

If you have a error like Failed to build gem native extension. during installation of libv8 or therubyracer, following configurations may help you.

$ bundle config build.libv8 --with-system-v8
$ bundle config build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir

If you failed install the libv8, See: or

Copy emoji files to public directory

$ rake emoji

JavaScript library installation

$ rake bower:install

Database creation

$ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

It will create database file like db/development.sqlite3

Start sunspot solr on local

$ rake sunspot:solr:start

Generate test data

$ SLACK_USER_ID=<your slack user ID here> rake db:seed

You can run the seed task to generate test data. If you provide your slack ID via environment variable, you can login as one of the test users.

Move secrets files from production server

$ scp "rg-portal:/var/www/rg-portal/shared/config/*" cookbook/app/shared_files


Internal Website for Keio Univ. Technology joint research groups






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