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A simple and opinionated tool for managing and dispatching reminders before an event is scheduled to occur.


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An simple and opinionated tool for managing and dispatching reminders before an event is scheduled to occur.


I needed something to send reminders that wasn't all wrapped up in some other service or product. This is what I built.


type Reminder struct {
	// A unique identifier for the reminder.
	Id int64 `json:"id"`
	// A valid cron expression (that can be parsed by adhocore/gronx) for the scheduled event.
	Schedule string `json:"schedule"`
	// An ISO8601 duration string indicating the amount of time before the scheduled event is due to start sending reminders.
	NotifyBefore string `json:"notify_before"`
	// The message body of the reminder.
	Message string `json:"message"`
	// The address where the reminder should be delivered to.
	DeliverTo string `json:deliver_to"`
	// The address where the reminder should be delivered from.	
	DeliverFrom string `json:"deliver_from"`	

Reminders are defined as a cron expression for when a reminder is due and an ISO8601 duration string indicating how soon before that due date reminders should be dispatched (for example using the cmd/process-reminders tool descibed below).


Reminders are stored in any database that implements the database.RemindersDatabase interface:

type RemindersDatabase interface {
	AddReminder(context.Context, *reminder.Reminder) error
	RemoveReminder(context.Context, *reminder.Reminder) error
	Reminders(context.Context) iter.Seq2[*reminder.Reminder, error]
	Close() error

The following database implementations are provided by default:


Read reminders from a CSV on the local disk. CSV database URIs take the form of:


As of this writing the CSV database implementation does not support adding or removing reminders.


Read and write reminders using anything that supports the interfaces, for example DynamoDB. Docstore database URIs take the form of:


For example:


Docstore tables needs to be set up manually. See schema/dynamodb and cmd/create-dynamodb-tables for details.


Read and write reminders using anything that supports the database/sql.DB interface, for example SQLite. SQL database URIs take the form of:


For example:


Support for the mattn/go-sqlite3 package is enabled by default. Database tables need to be set up manually. See schema/sqlite for details.

Dispatching reminders

Reminders are dispatched (delivered) using the sfomuseum/go-messenger package. The following messenger agents are available by default:


Dispatch reminders to a desktop notification. Beeep messenger agent URIs take the form of:



Dispatch reminders to one or more email providers. The following email providers are available by default:

The from and to addresses for email providers are expected to be defined in the Reminder instance's DeliverTo and DeliverFrom properties. Default values can be assigned in the agent constructor URI. See below for details.


Dispatch email reminders using the AWS Simple Email Service (SES). SES email messenger agent URIs take the form of:


Note: {CREDENTIALS} is expected to be a valid aaronland/go-aws-auth credentials string.


Dispatch email reminders using a SMTP server. SMTP email messenger agent URIs take the form of:



Dispatch reminders to a Slack channel. Slack messenger agent URIs take the form of:


The channel and from properties for Slack providers are expected to be defined in the Reminder instance's DeliverTo and DeliverFrom properties. Default values can be assigned in the agent constructor URI. See below for details.


Dispatch reminders to STDOUT. Stdout messenger agent URIs take the form of:



As written it is possible to introduce error conditions when using multiple messenger agents that depend on different values defined in one or more of a Reminder instance's properties. For example using both the email- and slack messenging agents will likely trigger errors since the former expects the DeliverTo property of a reminder to be an email address and the latter expects it to be a (Slack) channel name.

To account for this the go-messenger package allows you to specify default properties for both the email and Slack messenging agents:


You can specify the default to or from values for email messages by defining the to or from properties in the agent constructor URI. For example:


These are default values only. The to value will be overridden if the DeliverTo property of a reminder is set. The from value will we be overridden if the DeliverTo property of a reminder is set.


You can specify the default channel or from values for Slack messages by defining the channel or from properties in the agent constructor URI. For example:


These are default values only. The channel value will be overridden if the DeliverTo property of a reminder is set. The from value will we be overridden if the DeliverTo property of a reminder is set.


$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/add-reminder cmd/add-reminder/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/remove-reminders cmd/remove-reminders/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/list-reminders cmd/list-reminders/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/process-reminders cmd/process-reminders/main.go


$> ./bin/add-reminder -h
  -deliver-from string
    	The address where the reminder should be delivered from.
  -deliver-to string
    	The address where the reminder should be delivered to.
  -message string
    	The message body of the reminder.
  -notify-before string
    	An ISO8601 duration string indicating the amount of time before the scheduled event is due to start sending reminders.
  -reminders-database-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/reminder/database.RemindersDatabase URI.
  -schedule string
    	A valid cron expression for the scheduled event. If defined as a 'YYYY-MM-DD' date string those value will be used to generate a new schedule (cron) expression in the form of: 0 0 {DAY} {MONTH} * {YEAR}
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example:

$> ./bin/add-reminder \
	-reminders-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=reminders.db' \
	-schedule '0,15,30,45 * * * *' \
	-notify-before 'PT2M' \
	-message 'Hello world'
2024/10/31 11:39:11 INFO New reminder added id=1852057750180204544

$> ./bin/add-reminder \
	-reminders-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=reminders.db' \
	-schedule '0,15,30,45 * * * *' \
	-notify-before 'PT2M' \
	-message 'Hello world 2'
2024/10/31 11:43:55 INFO New reminder added id=1852058940615954432

$> ./bin/add-reminder \
	-reminders-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=reminders.db' \
	-schedule '2025-03-20' \
	-notify-before P14D \
	-message 'Remember that is 2025' \
2024/10/31 14:13:10 DEBUG Verbose logging enabled
2024/10/31 14:13:10 DEBUG Reassign schedule schedule="0 0 20 3 * 2025"
2024/10/31 14:13:10 INFO New reminder added id=1852096497911336960


$> ./bin/list-reminders -h
  -reminders-database-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/reminder/database.RemindersDatabase URI.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example:

$> ./bin/list-reminders \
	-reminders-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=reminders.db'

PT2M,Hello world,,1852057750180204544,"0,15,30,45 * * * *"
PT2M,Hello world 2,,1852058940615954432,"0,15,30,45 * * * *"


$> ./bin/remove-reminders -h
  -id value
    	One or more reminder IDs to remove
  -reminders-database-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/reminder/database.RemindersDatabase URI.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example:

$> ./bin/remove-reminders \
	-reminders-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=reminders.db' \
	-id 1852058940615954432
2024/10/31 11:45:13 INFO Reminder has been removed id=1852058940615954432


$> ./bin/process-reminders -h
  -frequency string
    	A valid ISO8601 duration string indicating how often to process reminders. Required if -mode daemon. (default "PT1M")
  -messenger-agent-uri value
    	One or more valid sfomuseum/go-messenger.Messenger URIs.
  -mode string
    	Valid options are: cli, daemon, lambda (default "cli")
  -reminders-database-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/reminder/database.RemindersDatabase URI.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example:

$> ./bin/process-reminders \
	-reminders-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=reminders.db' \
	-messenger-agent-uri stdout:// \
	-messenger-agent-uri beeep:// \
	-mode daemon \

2024/10/31 11:53:09 DEBUG Verbose logging enabled
2024/10/31 11:54:09 DEBUG Process reminders
2024/10/31 11:54:09 DEBUG Now reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T11:54:09.062-07:00
2024/10/31 11:54:09 DEBUG Next reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T12:00:00.000-07:00
2024/10/31 11:54:09 DEBUG Trigger reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T11:58:00.000-07:00

time passes...

2024/10/31 11:58:09 DEBUG Process reminders
2024/10/31 11:58:09 DEBUG Now reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T11:58:09.066-07:00
2024/10/31 11:58:09 DEBUG Next reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T12:00:00.000-07:00
2024/10/31 11:58:09 DEBUG Trigger reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T11:58:00.000-07:00
2024/10/31 11:58:09 DEBUG Reminder is due reminder=1852057750180204544
Hello world
2024/10/31 11:59:09 DEBUG Process reminders
2024/10/31 11:59:09 DEBUG Now reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T11:59:09.066-07:00
2024/10/31 11:59:09 DEBUG Next reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T12:00:00.000-07:00
2024/10/31 11:59:09 DEBUG Trigger reminder=1852057750180204544 t=2024-10-31T11:58:00.000-07:00
2024/10/31 11:59:09 DEBUG Reminder is due reminder=1852057750180204544
Hello world

Running as an AWS Lambda function

It is possible to run the process-reminders tool as an AWS Lambda function. To build the function run the lambda Makefile target:

$> make lambda
if test -f bootstrap; then rm -f bootstrap; fi
if test -f; then rm -f; fi
GOARCH=arm64 GOOS=linux go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -tags lambda.norpc -o bootstrap cmd/process-reminders/main.go
zip bootstrap
  adding: bootstrap (deflated 71%)
rm -f bootstrap

Upload to your Lambda function as an "Amazon Linux 2" runtime and configure the IAM roles and policies as needed. For example, if you want to use DynamoDB as a storage engine for reminders the email-ses:// messaging agent you'll need to make sure your Lambda function can access both of these services accordingly. The details of those configurations are outside the scope of this documentation.

Environment variables for Lambda functions map to command line flags. The mapping is as follows:

  • For any given command line flag, convert the flag name to upper-case
  • Replace all instances of "-" with "_"
  • Prepend the value with "REMINDER_"

For example the -reminders-database-uri flag becomes the REMINDER_REMINDERS_DATABASE_URI environment variable.

Here is an example set of environment variables for running the process-reminders tool as a Lambda function:

Key Value Notes
REMINDER_MESSENGER_AGENT_URI email-ses://?region={REGION}&credentials={CREDENTIALS},stdout:// Mulitple messenger agent URIs can be specified as comma-separated string
REMINDER_REMINDERS_DATABASE_URI awsdynamodb://{TABLE_NAME}?partition_key=Id&allow_scans=true&region={REGION}&credentials={CREDENTIALS}

Note that the function does not run as a long-running daemon and will be need to be configured to be triggered at regular intervals using an "EventBridge" rule or some other mechanism.

See also


A simple and opinionated tool for managing and dispatching reminders before an event is scheduled to occur.







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