Releases: shaka-project/shaka-player
Releases · shaka-project/shaka-player
4.13.7 (2025-03-03)
Bug Fixes
- Fix seek to initial live position on slow devices (#8181) (d7d467d)
- Prevent race condition when seeking backwards during load (#8188) (1ec6529)
- UI: Fix weird behaviour when volume was 0, and we unmute (#8186) (49596bf)
- UI: Use touchend to show the controls (#8180) (ea71bf0)
Performance Improvements
4.12.16 (2025-03-03)
Bug Fixes
- Fix seek to initial live position on slow devices (#8181) (9f55da5)
- Prevent race condition when seeking backwards during load (#8188) (f87fe66)
- UI: Fix weird behaviour when volume was 0, and we unmute (#8186) (cfc8515)
- UI: Use touchend to show the controls (#8180) (b593325)
Performance Improvements
4.13.6 (2025-02-26)
Bug Fixes
4.9.36 (2025-02-22)
Bug Fixes
- Add more info in getVariantTracks for muxed streams (#8002) (e29e94c)
- Allow change the native playbackRate with the same functionality as trickPlay (#7993) (66c06a3)
- Avoid launch RESTRICTIONS_CANNOT_BE_MET when it's not necessary (#8014) (784c0b4)
- Avoid rebuffering when using big trick play rates (#7988) (6e171ec)
- Avoid setAppendWindow when the window is Infinity (#7923) (7e63cfd)
- CEA: Fix multi byte language support in CEA-708 (#7929) (947e305)
- DASH: Change fallback presentation delay (#7918) (989207f)
- DASH: Fix Dolby Atmos detection (#7966) (c8accd7)
- DASH: Fix playback of ClearKey when only part of keys are defined (#8055) (d4bb311)
- DASH: Ignore early segments in a period (#7910) (a1fd74c)
- DASH: Notify time range with the fitted timeline (#7911) (a845481)
- DASH: Revert Dolby Atmos detection when there is not SupplementalProperty (#8132) (4cbf150)
- Detect mov extension as video/quicktime (#7884) (170caf8)
- Do not recognize MultiChoice & Ziggo as Apple (#7996) (7befef8)
- DRM: Fix drm choice when the user provide a server in the manifest (#8067) (79e47af)
- Duplicate timelineregion* events fired for the same event id (#8013) (56b5ec5)
- Evict the buffer against seekRangeStart (#8026) (d24718b)
- FairPlay: Install by default shaka.polyfill.PatchedMediaKeysApple on older Safari versions (#8106) (55ddcf0)
- Fix AC-3 playback on Tizen 3.0 devices (#7969) (2217fcf)
- Fix AC-3 playback on Tizen 3.0 devices when transmuxing (#7972) (5b12bca)
- Fix displaying subtitles in UITextDisplayer at high playback rates (#7991) (fde0bef)
- Fix DRM workaround with fLaC and Opus boxes (#8070) (9e2a17f)
- Fix Hisense 4K detection (#8133) (d1ebe18)
- Fix isEnded when is not fullyLoaded (#7883) (a1b2859)
- Fix playback with Apple Media Keys polyfill detection (#7958) (51633c9)
- HLS: Fix duplicate segments on some inaccurate live streams (#8084) (ab2e0b6)
- HLS: Fix switching between muxed MP4 and muxed TS (#8061) (9066d8b)
- net: Add 304 as successful request (#7963) (e78bca3)
- net: Allow preventDefault() on retry event (#8058) (c0e18fc)
- PS5: Disable sequence mode in PS5 (#8004) (7bbd438)
- Subtitles: Prevent rounding errors when filtering duplicated cues (#8018) (2ab22a3)
- Throw preload destroyed error when re-using same preloadManager (#8046) (9314a79)
- TTML: Correctly handle multiple samples in a segment (#8088) (a4e0f1e)
- tXml: Allow case insensitive in parseDuration (#8064) (3fdbd13)
- tXml: Fix findChildrenNS when the namespace is in the element (#7896) (a03f5ae)
- UI: Fix handle of seek on MediaSession (#7879) (ba0658a)
- UI: Fix thumbnail sometimes not disappearing due to mouse hover (#8089) (bb23fad)
- UI: Show GB unit in StatisticsButton (#7990) (4661d61)
- Use infiniteLiveStreamDuration equal to true in Safari 17 or above (#7901) (c092ea8)
Performance Improvements
4.13.4 (2025-02-20)
Bug Fixes
- DASH: ContentSteering promise is resolved too late for fetching of init segment (#8126) (2442a51)
- FairPlay: Install by default shaka.polyfill.PatchedMediaKeysApple on older Safari versions (#8106) (c82d01b)
- Install Safari workarounds on WPE STBs (#8103) (cd025b9)
- Remove isSafari and always use isApple (#8104) (0a325ad)
- UI: Improve performance and compatibility with MediaSession (#8100) (9afa9dd)
Performance Improvements
- Close segmentIndex after getAllThumbnails (#8128) (85b92e8)
- Only set the timers on UITextDisplayer when there are cues (#8114) (21b1be9)
- Remove promises from getAllThumbnails loop (#8118) (6717699)
- UI: Avoid unnecessary calls to controls configure (#8116) (7a7f632)
- UI: Reduce configure calls to use shakaPlayerCastReceiverId (#8115) (cbd6764)
- Use navigator.userAgentData.platform to detect Android and Fuchsia (#8102) (5ef5639)