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Generalized dada2 workflow. Refer to the wiki for help and troubleshooting.


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DADA2 Workflow for 16S rRNA Sequencing Analysis

License: MIT

A generalized workflow for processing 16S rRNA gene amplicon data using the DADA2 package in R. This workflow identifies exact amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) with higher resolution than traditional OTU-based methods.


This repository contains an RMarkdown workflow that implements the complete DADA2 pipeline:

  1. Quality filtering - Remove low-quality reads
  2. Error rate learning - Learn error rates from the data
  3. Dereplication - Combine identical reads
  4. Sample inference - Apply the DADA2 algorithm
  5. Merger of paired-end reads - Align and merge paired reads
  6. Chimera removal - Remove artifactual sequences
  7. Taxonomic assignment - Classify ASVs
  8. Output generation - Create tables and visualizations


  • R ≥ 4.0.0
  • Required R packages:
    • dada2
    • ggplot2
    • phyloseq
    • Biostrings
    • ShortRead
    • tidyverse

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd dada2-workflow
  2. Install required R packages:

    install.packages(c("ggplot2", "tidyverse"))
    if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
    BiocManager::install(c("dada2", "phyloseq", "Biostrings", "ShortRead"))
  3. Reference database:

    • The workflow uses the Silva database (v138.1) for taxonomy assignments
    • The database is either accessed from the DADA2 package or downloaded from Zenodo
    • Both genus-level and species-level assignments are performed
  4. Open dada2_workflow.Rmd in RStudio and update the following:

    • Path to your sequence files (supports both _R1_001.fastq.gz and _R1.fastq.gz naming conventions)
    • Read trimming parameters based on your data quality
    • Path to your sample metadata file
  5. Execute the workflow by running all code chunks in the RMarkdown document.

  6. View results in the interactive dashboard:

    # Install required packages if needed
    install.packages(c("shiny", "shinydashboard", "plotly", "DT", "vegan", "viridis"))
    # Make sure phyloseq is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
    # Run the dashboard (will open in your browser)
    # If the dashboard doesn't open automatically, you can access it at:
    # Note: If you encounter a greyed-out dashboard, try restarting R
    # and running the dashboard again

Customizing the Workflow

The main parameters to adjust in the workflow:

  • Read trimming (truncLen, maxEE): Modify based on your sequencing quality
  • Taxonomy thresholds: Adjust confidence thresholds for taxonomic assignments
  • Visualization options: Adjust plotting parameters as needed

Output Files

The workflow produces several output files in the results/ directory:

  • seqtab_nochim.csv: ASV count table
  • taxonomy.csv: Taxonomic assignments for each ASV (with species-level assignments)
  • phyloseq_object.rds: R object for downstream analysis
  • ASVs.fasta: FASTA file containing ASV sequences

Interactive Dashboard

The included Shiny dashboard (dashboard.R) provides interactive visualization of DADA2 results:

  • Overview: Quick summary statistics and sample metrics
  • Sample Quality: Read count distributions and filtering statistics
  • Alpha Diversity: Shannon, Simpson, Observed, and Chao1 diversity metrics
  • Beta Diversity: PCoA, NMDS, t-SNE, and UMAP ordinations with PERMANOVA
  • Taxonomy: Interactive bar plots and heatmaps of taxonomic composition
  • ASV Table: Browse ASV sequences and abundance data
  • Differential Abundance: Identify taxa that differ between sample groups using DESeq2 or ALDEx2

Launch the dashboard by running:



Contributions to improve this workflow are welcome. Please feel free to submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Callahan BJ, McMurdie PJ, Rosen MJ, Han AW, Johnson AJA, Holmes SP (2016). "DADA2: High-resolution sample inference from Illumina amplicon data." Nature Methods, 13, 581-583. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3869
  • McMurdie PJ, Holmes S (2013). "phyloseq: An R package for reproducible interactive analysis and graphics of microbiome census data." PLoS ONE, 8(4):e61217
  • Quast C, et al. (2013). "The SILVA ribosomal RNA gene database project: improved data processing and web-based tools." Nucleic Acids Research, 41(D1), D590-D596. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1219


Generalized dada2 workflow. Refer to the wiki for help and troubleshooting.








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