Bayesian Modeling of Metagenomic Sequencing Data for Discovering Microbial Biomarkers in Colorectal Cancer Detection
The following script is a tutorial for performing differential abundance analysis for microbiome count data using the proposed Zero-inflated Negative Binomial model with the Dirichlet Process Prior (ZINB-DPP) for data normalization in the manuscript Q.Li et al. 2019
To mimic the real microbiome data that contains taxa from different taxonomic levels, we simulate the data following the tree structure of the real data analyzed in the paper. The tree contains 492 taxa from species to kingdom levels.
We first load the real taxonomic tree information for data simulation.
Suppose we have
discriminating species as highlighted by the colored dots in the
cladogram shown below.
# print the names of the discriminating species
## [1] "s__Bacteroides_dorei" "s__Bacteroides_cellulosilyticus"
## [3] "s__Bacteroides_plebeius" "s__Bacteroides_vulgatus"
## [5] "s__Bacteroides_sp_2_1_22" "s__Bacteroides_clarus"
## [7] "s__Bacteroides_ovatus" "s__Bacteroides_fragilis"
## [9] "s__Bacteroides_faecis" "s__Bacteroides_eggerthii"
## [11] "s__Enterorhabdus_caecimuris" "s__Methanosphaera_stadtmanae"
## [13] "s__Porcine_type_C_oncovirus" "s__Coprobacillus_sp_29_1"
## [15] "s__Ruminococcus_obeum" "s__Butyricicoccus_pullicaecorum"
## [17] "s__Clostridium_bartlettii" "s__Coprococcus_comes"
## [19] "s__Adlercreutzia_equolifaciens" "s__Alloscardovia_omnicolens"
# randomly set the direction of enrichment (direction_t) of these discriminating species
direction_t = rep(1, 20)
neg_idx = sample(x = seq(1, 20), size = round(0.5*20) )
direction_t[neg_idx] = -1
# check the cladogram
tree.check(controln = da_taxa_mild[direction_t == -1],
casen = da_taxa_mild[direction_t == 1],
hl_size = 2)
Here, the two different colors used for the discriminating species indicate the enrichment direction. The pink dots are species that are more abundant in group 1, while the blue dots are species enriched in group 2.
Based on the tree structure above, we generate the count table by
assuming there are subjects with equal group sizes. The function
generate the data from a ZINB distribution
# set group size
n_group = 20
# set the phenotype information
group_index = rep(c(0,1), each = n_group)
# set the number of discriminating and nondiscriminating species
p_diff = 20; p_nondiff = length(taxa_name) - 20
temp_file = gen_zinb_raw(zt = group_index, p_diff = 20,
p_remain = p_nondiff,
direction_t = direction_t,
seed = 1234,
low = 1, high = 2)
temp_dat = gen_zinb_info(da_taxa_mild, taxa_name, info_list = temp_file)
Next, we get the adjacent matrix based on the taxonomic tree structure
G_mat = S2adj(Y = temp_dat$Y, S = S_mat)
Next, we fit the ZINB-DPP model based on the default setting:
# model input & initial settings
Ymat = temp_dat$Y
n_sample = n_group * 2
s_ini = rep(1, n_sample)
Niter = 10000
model_fit = zinb_model_estimator(Y = Ymat, z = group_index, s = s_ini,
iter = Niter,
S = S_mat,
aggregate = TRUE,
store = TRUE,
G = G_mat)
## 0% has been done
## 10% has been done
## 20% has been done
## 30% has been done
## 40% has been done
## 50% has been done
## 60% has been done
## 70% has been done
## 80% has been done
## 90% has been done
Now, we evaluate our model by visualizing the result of the discriminating species detection.
# get the species level result
p_bottom = ncol(Ymat)
specis_idx = model_fit$flag[1:p_bottom]
gamma_bottom = model_fit[["gamma_ppi"]][1:p_bottom]
gamma_bottom = gamma_bottom[specis_idx == 0]
# truly discrimintating species
gamma_true = temp_dat$gamma_true
gamma_true = gamma_true[specis_idx == 0]
DA_true = which(gamma_true == 1)
DA_gamma = gamma_bottom[DA_true]
# detect discrimintating species by controlling the Bayesian false discovery rate
cut_off = BayFDR(model_fit[["gamma_ppi"]][model_fit$flag == 0], 0.05)
DA_idx = which(gamma_bottom > cut_off)
plot(gamma_bottom, type = 'h',
ylim = c(0, 1), ylab = "Posterior probability of inclusion (PPI)", xlab = "Taxon index")
abline(h = cut_off, col = 'red',lty = 2)
points(x = DA_true , y = DA_gamma, pch = 16, col = 'red')
Each vertial line
is the posterior proability of inclusion (PPI) of a species. The dashed
line represents the threshold that controls the Bayesian false discovery
rate to be less than
. The species whose PPIs exceed the dashed line would be selected
to be differentially abundant.
Notice that the red dots are true discriminating taxa. According to the model fitting, we have
Number of true positive = 18
Number of false positive = 0
Number of true negative = 251
Number of false negative = 2
Qiwei Li, Shuang Jiang, Guanghua Xiao, Andrew Y. Koh, Xiaowei Zhan (2019), Bayesian Modeling of Microbiome Data for Differential Abundance Analysis, arXiv:1902.08741.
Qiwei Li, Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas [email protected]