The database container that contains next features:
- PostGIS extension of Postgres DB
- Restore DB from dump file that located on S3 storage
Docker image based on PostGIS image, with added DB restore at container startup functionality.
Dump file must be stored on S3 storage.
If any database already present in container (e.g container restarts and volume for databases was set) DB restoration
will not starts.
Variable name | Default value | Is mandatory | Description |
POSTGRES_DB | - | NO | Desired name of DB. If variable is set on startup empty DB with this name will be created |
POSTGRES_PORT | 5432 | NO | Changes default TCP port of PostgreSQL |
POSTGRES_USER | postgres | NO | Set user name |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | - | YES | Mandatory variable to start container. Sets superuser's password |
S3_ENDPOINT | - | NO | S3 Storage endpoint's URL.1 |
S3_ACCESS_KEY | - | NO | S3 Storage "username".1 |
S3_SECRET_KEY | - | NO | S3 Storage "password".1 |
S3_BACKUP_OBJ_PATH | - | NO | Full path to DB dump including bucket name and file name. |
LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_PATH | - | NO | Path to download files from S3. Default is /tmp |
docker build . --tag nd_postgis:v0.1.0
docker run --rm --detach \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e S3_ENDPOINT=https://YOUR-S3 \
-v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data \