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ProductDB back-end API

How to check out and run (for developers)

Prepare environment

Create a virtual environment

python -m venv venv

Enter the virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate

Upgrade pip (optional)

pip install --upgrade pip

Check out

Clone the repository from GitHub

git clone [email protected]:simonsobs/acondbs.git

Install from the clone in the editable mode.

pip install -e acondbs/[tests]


Create an instance folder of Flask, where the config file and the SQLite DB file are stored. Check out an example instance folder from GitHub

git clone [email protected]:TaiSakuma/acondbs-instance-example.git instance

Set environmental variables

export FLASK_APP="acondbs:create_app('$PWD/instance/')"
export FLASK_DEBUG=1

Initialize database

flask init-db

An SQLite DB file has been created in the instance folder (instance/product.sqlite3). Tables were defined (The tables were empty. Only fields were defined. No data were inserted in the tables).

Load sample data to DB (optional)

(Optional) Load sample data to the dababase.

flask import-csv acondbs/tests/sample/csv/


Run with the Flask built-in server for the development. (Deployment options for proudction are descriped in the Flask documentation.)

flask run

The above command starts the built-in server that only allows accress from localhost. It starts the server at the default TCP port, usually 5000.

To allow the access from outside, use --host= option. The TCP port can be specified by --port option. For example:

flask run --host= --port=5000

Access to the server with cURL

Now, you can send GraphQL requests to the server, for example, as follows.

curl -d "query={allMaps { edges { node { name mapper } } }}" localhost:5000/graphql

Access to the server with a web browser

If you access to the server with a web browser, it will show a graphical user interface GraphiQL: http://localhost:5000/graphql

Unit test

Move to the repository

cd acondbs

Run the unit tests


Run the unit tests with coverage

pytest --cov

Generate the coverage report

coverage html

The report can be found at coverage_html_report/index.html.