Get sequence metadata for RefSeq release catalogue using Entrez (also for suppressed or replaced sequences), filter for top 3 assemblies for each taxa and download Fastas.
Extract nucelotide sequence IDs from given RefSeq catalogue, and write sequence and taxonomy IDs out into 3 batches (-> seqId_taxId.batch{1,2,3}.txt.gz)
$ python RefSeq-release70.catalog.gz
Download metadata (seqId, seqLength, taxId, assemblyId) from Entrez for each sequence from given seqId_taxId file (use batches, distributed on different machines):
$ python seqId_taxId.txt.gz seq_metadata.txt.gz 28 [email protected] NCBI_API_key
Load metadata, check, determine IDs of 3 longest assemblies for each taxa, and retrieve corresponding sequence IDs (-> selectd_seqIds.txt):
$ python seqId_taxId.txt.gz seq_metadata.txt.gz
Download fastas for selected ids:
$ python selectd_seqIds.txt sequences.fasta 28 [email protected] NCBI_API_key