version 1.13.0
New Features
HTTP headers in Web API responses
Since this version, all the Web API responses return not only parsed response body data but also its response headers. Particularly, the x-oauth-scopes
value should be helpful to easily know the list of granted scopes for the token used for the API call.
- [slack-api-client] #850 Add getHttpResponseHeaders() method to Web API responses - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #877 Fix race conditions in the Slack API Client by adding atomicity - Thanks @daelynj
- [slack-api-client] #868 Mark rtm.start as deprecated - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #878 Add and team.preferences.list APIs - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #841 #634 Add admin.conversations.{get|set|remove}CustomRetention API support - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-app-model] #859 Fix #857 Add the missing "pronouns" field to User.Profile data class - Thanks @seratch @petehannam
- [slack-api-model] #864 #863 Support TimePickerElement in Block Kit Kotlin DSL - Thanks @ikolomiets
- [bolt] #851 Fix an error in Socket Mode document - Thanks @bcarter97
- [all] #866 #865 Fix to parent pom.xml that allows submodules override default language level in IntelliJ IDEA - Thanks @ikolomiets
- [all] #880 Upgrade patch/minor versions of dependencies for v1.13 release - Thanks @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.12.1...v1.13.0