windows scripts for kadirahq/react-cdk
Working under windows you can't use all the features of React-cdk because of unsupporting bash scripts. I hope it will be changed but for a while we can use this cmd scripts
- install react-cdk
>yo react-cdk react-wizard
>git clone
>react-cdk-windows-scripts\copyto react-wizard
Then manually change in package.json -> "scripts" :
- "publish-storybook": ".scripts\\publish_storybook.cmd",
- "prepublish": ".scripts\\prepublish.cmd",
- "lint": ".scripts\\lint.cmd src",
- "lintfix": ".scripts\\lint.cmd src --fix",
- "testonly": ".scripts\\test.cmd",
>cd react-wizard
>npm install
Now you can use:
>npm publish
>npm run lint
>npm run lintfix
>npm run testonly
>npm run test
>npm run publish-storybook
- full cdk functionality
- no errors in NPM scripts
- linting *.js and *.jsx as well
if you have problems with test-watch script like here, so you can't use it from cmd
However, as a temporary solution you can run it from mintty
shell. Possible you already have it if you use Git for windows
or your can install cmder.
To run this script you need to change in package.json -> "scripts" :
- "test-watch": "bash .scripts\",
- run your mintty shell
- cd Drive:\Path\react-wizard
$npm run test-watch