Run playbooks of SQL scripts in series and parallel on Snowflake DB, Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL.
Used with Snowplow for scheduled SQL-based transformations of event stream data.
Setup Guide | User Guide |
Assuming go, docker and docker-compose are installed:
host> git clone
host> cd sql-runner
host> make setup-up # Launches Consul + Postgres for testing
host> make # Builds sql-runner binaries
host> make test # Runs unit tests
# DISTRO specifies which binary you want to run integration tests with
host> DISTRO=darwin make integration
Note: You will need to ensure that ~/go/bin
is on your PATH for gox
to work - the underlying tool that we use for building the binaries.
When you are done with testing simply execute make setup-down
to terminate the docker-compose stack.
To reset the testing resources execute make setup-reset
which will rebuild the docker containers. This can be useful if the state of these systems gets out of sync with what the tests expect.
To remove all build files:
guest> make clean
To format the golang code in the source directory:
guest> make format
Note: Always run make format
before submitting any code.
Note: The make test
command also generates a code coverage file which can be found at build/coverage/coverage.html
First either compile the binary from source using the above make
command or download the published Binary directly from the GitHub release:
sql-runner version: 0.10.1
Run playbooks of SQL scripts in series and parallel on Redshift and Postgres
-checkLock string
Checks whether the lockfile already exists
-consul string
The address of a consul server with playbooks and SQL files stored in KV pairs
Will read playbooks locally, but use Consul for locking.
-deleteLock string
Will attempt to delete a lockfile if it exists
Runs through a playbook without executing any of the SQL
Will print all queries after templates are filled
-fromStep string
Starts from a given step defined in your playbook
Shows this message
-lock string
Optional argument which checks and sets a lockfile to ensure this run is a singleton. Deletes lock on run completing successfully
-playbook string
Playbook of SQL scripts to execute
-runQuery string
Will run a single query in the playbook
Will print all output from queries
-softLock string
Optional argument, like '-lock' but the lockfile will be deleted even if the run fails
-sqlroot string
Absolute path to SQL scripts. Use PLAYBOOK, BINARY and PLAYBOOK_CHILD for those respective paths (default "PLAYBOOK")
-var value
Variables to be passed to the playbook, in the key=value format
Shows the program version
SQL Runner is copyright 2015-2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.