Necessary hardware:
- any computer with Internet connection
Necessary software (all free except PyMol):
- Putty
- VMD or UCSF Chimera or PyMol
root directiory /
= system commands -
= startup programs -
= devices (disks and otehrs) -
= settings -
= users' home directories -
= home directory of the user vojtech -
= libraries -
= ? -
= access to CD/DVD or USB drives -
= other programs -
= processes -
= superuser's home directory -
= additional programs -
= system -
= temporary data -
= main user programs -
= others
names of files: case-sensitive, avoid space, or @$%^&*()+=/
man man
- command man with parameter man - the manual for the manual program
man -h
- command man with modifier -h - the manual's help
- prints files/dirs in the current dir -
ls *.txt
- prints files with name ending .txt in the current dir -
ls -l
- same as ls but in a long format -
ls -a
- same as ls but including hidden files -
ls -t
- same as ls but in the order of file creation -
ls -rt
- same as ls -t but reverse -
cd dirname
- go to the subdir called dirname -
cd ..
- go to the upper directory -
mkdir dirname
- make directory called dirname -
- print current dir -
ls ~
- prints files/dirs in the home dir -
cp file1.txt file2.txt
- copy file1.txt to file2.txt -
mv file1.txt file2.txt
- move file1.txt to file2.txt -
cp ../file1.txt .
- copy file1.txt from upper directory here -
rm file1.txt
- delete file1.txt -
- Midnight Commander
cat file1.txt
- prints the text content -
head file1.txt
- prints the first 10 lines of the text content -
head -100 file1.txt
- prints the first 1000 lines of the text content -
tail file1.txt
- prints the last 10 line of the text content -
more file1.txt
- prints the text content page by page (can be contorled by Enter, Space or q, similar to less) -
grep 00033 file1.txt
- prints lines containing 00033 -
grep -v 00033 file1.txt
- prints lines not containing 00033 -
grep -i BB file1.txt
- prints lines containing BB, bb, Bb or bB -
grep "00 33" file1.txt
- prints lines containing "00 33" -
wc file1.txt
- counts words and lines -
diff file1.txt file2.txt
- prints differences in files
cat file1.txt file2.txt > file12.txt
- joints two files into file12.txt -
grep 000 file1.txt > file2.txt
- prints lines from file1.txt containing 000 to file2.txt -
creation of a file by cat
cat > file3.txt
Write something
echo "Write something here" > file1.txt
- creation of a file by echo -
cat file1.txt >> file2.txt
- appends file1.txt at the end of file2.txt -
egrep 000 file1.txt | wc
= counts lines containing 000 in file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 spiwokv spiwokv 2116502 Jun 18 2012 adaptive.avi
-rw-r--r-- 1 spiwokv spiwokv 12288 Jan 23 20:46 BI_Spiwok2_A.doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 spiwokv spiwokv 98816 Jan 23 20:47 BI_Spiwok2_C.doc
drwxrwxr-x 103 spiwokv spiwokv 4096 Mar 27 20:40 byrokracy
chmod a+r adaptive.avi
- gives all users a right to read the file
- print running processes -
- interactive version of ps -
kill 10695
- kills the process number 10695