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Multi-Architecture Docker Build with Native GitHub Runners

How to build a Multi-Architecture Docker Image in Github Actions using multiple runners without QEMU


Created by | @sredevopsorg | @ngeorger

By following these steps and reviewing the workflow file, you can customize and use this multi-architecture build process in your own projects. Happy building!

This repository demonstrates how to build multi-architecture Docker images (for example, linux/amd64 and linux/arm64) using native GitHub runners instead of QEMU emulation. By leveraging separate native runners for each architecture, you get faster builds and higher fidelity (no emulation quirks) while still producing a single multi-arch image that you can push to GitHub Container Registry (GHCR).

Note: This workflow requires access to both an AMD64 runner (using ubuntu-latest) and an ARM64 runner (for example, ubuntu-24.04-arm). Make sure your GitHub organization or repository has access to these runners.


The workflow is divided into two main jobs:

  1. Build Job:

    • Uses a matrix strategy to build images for each platform separately.
    • Sets up a Docker context and configures Buildx to build images natively.
    • Logs into GHCR and builds & pushes the image by digest.
    • Exports the digest as an artifact for later use.
  2. Merge Job:

    • Downloads the digests from the build job.
    • Generates Docker image metadata (tags, labels, and annotations).
    • Uses Buildx to create a multi-architecture manifest list from the individual images.
    • Pushes the merged manifest (which tells Docker which image to pull based on the host architecture).

This two-step process creates a “fat” image that automatically delivers the correct binary for the user’s architecture.


  • Native Builds: Uses GitHub’s native runners for each platform (no QEMU).
  • Multi-Arch Manifest: Automatically merges per-architecture images into one multi-arch image.
  • Build Caching: Implements caching to speed up subsequent builds.
  • OCI Metadata: Adds labels and annotations for better image provenance.
  • Concurrency Control: Uses GitHub Actions concurrency to cancel outdated builds.

Getting Started


  • A GitHub repository with this workflow set up.
  • Access to GitHub-hosted runners for both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64.
  • A GitHub token (automatically provided as GITHUB_TOKEN) with permission to push to GHCR.
  • A valid Dockerfile in the repository root (or modify the workflow’s context as needed).


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd multi-arch-docker-github-workflow
  2. Review and Customize:

    • Dockerfile:
      The provided Dockerfile is a simple example. Customize it as needed for your application or replace it with your own.

    • Workflow File:
      The GitHub Actions workflow is defined in .github/workflows/multi-build.yaml. You can adjust parameters (e.g., caching options, labels, annotations) if needed.

  3. Configure Secrets (if applicable):

    • By default, the workflow uses the built-in GITHUB_TOKEN for authentication to GHCR. If you need to change registry credentials or add additional secrets, set them in your repository’s Settings > Secrets and Variables.

How It Works (Step by Step)

Build Job (Per-Architecture Build)

  1. Prepare Environment:
    The first step in the build job sets an environment variable (PLATFORM_PAIR) by replacing any / characters in the platform name with -. This ensures artifact names are valid.

  2. Checkout Code:
    The repository is checked out using actions/checkout.

  3. Generate Docker Metadata:
    The docker/metadata-action creates metadata (tags, labels, annotations) based on repository information.

  4. Setup Docker Context and Buildx:

    • A new Docker context (named builders) is created.
    • The docker/setup-buildx-action is configured to use that context and the specific platform from the matrix (either linux/amd64 or linux/arm64).
  5. Login to GHCR:
    The workflow logs in to GitHub Container Registry using the GITHUB_TOKEN.

  6. Build and Push:
    Using docker/build-push-action, the image is built with the specified platform, labels, and caching options. The image is pushed by digest and the resulting digest is exported.

  7. Artifact Upload:
    The digest file is uploaded as an artifact (named with the platform pair) for use in the next job.

Merge Job (Manifest Creation)

  1. Download Digests:
    The merge job downloads all the digest artifacts from the build job.

  2. Re-generate Docker Metadata:
    Metadata is generated again to ensure consistency with the built images.

  3. Setup Buildx and Login:
    The job sets up Buildx (this time without a custom context) and logs in to GHCR.

  4. Create Multi-Arch Manifest:
    The workflow runs docker buildx imagetools create to merge the images (using the digest files) into a single multi-architecture manifest list. Annotations such as description, creation timestamp, and source URL are added.

  5. Manifest Inspection:
    Finally, the merged image is inspected to verify that it contains the proper platform-specific entries.

Triggering the Workflow

  • Automatic Trigger:
    Pushing changes to the Dockerfile or the workflow file (.github/workflows/multi-build.yaml) on the main branch will automatically trigger the workflow.

  • Manual Trigger:
    You can also trigger the workflow manually using the workflow_dispatch event.

How to Use the Built Image

Once the workflow completes, your multi-architecture image is available in GHCR. For example, if your repository is, you can pull the image as follows:

docker pull

Docker will automatically select the correct image based on your host’s CPU architecture.


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check Issues or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.