The starter code has JUnit tests to sanity check the correctness of implementations.
These can be run using your favorite IDE's "Run All Tests" functionality.
Only the CSVLoaderTest
and RandomizedLoaderTest
will pass with the starter code.
Alternatively the following commands can be used to run all unit tests or run a specific unit test:
mvn test
mvn -Dtest=memstore.table.ColumnSumTest test
The code can be compiled using Maven; the following command generates a jar file for the entire project,
mvn package
You can simulate what the grader machines will do by running the autograder script. The script has command line arguments you can see here:
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -h
The complete command looks like
java -Xmx1328m -Xms500m -jar target/benchmarks.jar -m [mode] -i [num_iter] -ci [num_custom_iter] -o ./out.json
- [num_iter] is the number of times the timing benchmarks (excluding those for the
custom table) are run. A higher
value gives more accurate timing estimates but takes longer to run. - [num_custom_iter] is the number of times the timing benchmarks for the custom table are run.
- [mode] can be one of
. This is used to determine which tests to run. Timings just runs the timing tests, correctness just runs the correctness tests, and custom runs the custom query workload on the CustomTable. - Xmx, Xms control the memory allocated to java
On Gradescope, we will run the following command,
java -Xmx1328m -Xms500m -XX:-TieredCompilation -jar target/benchmarks.jar -m all -i 60 -ci 30 -o GRADE_FILE
Gradescope runs will take around 10 minutes to complete, so make sure to try submitting well before the deadline: you will see your final grade on the standard tests when the grader completes, allowing you to iterate and fix issues.
Prepare,,, Then, submit a zip archive with just these files. You can do this using the following bash script: