Follow the steps for installing Eclipse, and the Android development environment within Eclipse.
Download source:
Then, start Eclipse and import GasGraph into your workspace:
- File -> New -> Android Project
- Create Project from Existing Source
- Choose directory android-gasgraph/GasGraph
- Finish
There will be errors immediately related to missing dependencies.
GasGraph depends on two external libraires:
Charts4j -- for interaction with Google Charts api
- developed using version 1.3
ORMLite -- for sqlite db generation and maintenance
- developed using version 4.33 of ormlite-android and ormlite-core
Download these libraries and add them to the build path.
- File -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries
- Click on the missing JAR files, and click Edit
- Choose the location of appropriate jar in your file system
Now you should be able to build and run the source.