A small library to handle keyboard events in a more declarative way
npm install shortkey
Both examples use the HTML dialog element. To learn more, check out this demo about the dialog element.
import shortkey from 'shortkey';
const dialog = document.createElement('dialog');
dialog.innerText = 'Dialog message';
onEscape: () => {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerText = 'Open dialog';
button.addEventListener('click', () => dialog.showModal());
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import shortkey from 'shortkey';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.dialogRef = React.createRef();
get dialog() {
return this.dialogRef.current;
handleButtonClick = () => this.dialog.showModal();
handleDialogKeyDown = shortkey({
onEscape: () => this.dialog.close(),
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleButtonClick}>Open dialog</button>
<dialog onKeyDown={this.handleDialogKeyDown} ref={this.dialogRef}>
Dialog message
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
Shortkey accepts a plain object. The keys are the event names. The values are the corresponding event handlers. The return value is a function.
The event names are matched against the KeyboardEvent's ctrlKey
, altKey
, shiftKey
, metaKey
and key
attributes (in that order) and prefixed with 'on'
onDelete: e => console.log(e.key) /* Delete */,
onArrowDown: e => console.log(e.key) /* ArrowDown */,
onArrowUp: e => console.log(e.key) /* ArrowUp */,
onShiftArrowLeft: e => console.log(e.key) /* ArrowLeft */,
onCtrlAltDelete: e => console.log(e.key) /* Delete */,
onShiftMetaEnter: e => console.log(e.key) /* Enter */,
Check the UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values spec for a list of the key
attribute's possible values.
Shortkey supports every browser that supports the KeyboardEvent's key
, ctrlKey
, altKey
, shiftKey
and metaKey
attributes. MDN has a detailed overview of the KeyboardEvent's browser compatibility.
IE and Edge use non-standard KeyboardEvent.key
identifiers. Depending on the key
you're targetting, you might need a shim.
Note: this isn't necessary if you're using React with ReactDOM
import 'shim-keyboard-event-key';
import shortkey from 'shortkey';
const handler = shortkey({
onEscape: e => console.log(e.key) /* Escape */,